المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : A big smile to Aden

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08-08-2006, 03:11 PM
A big smile to Aden
my bride
My love
To Aden never ever to hide
A big hug I introduce
A big smile I can produce
In order to maintain my love
That inspired me
To fancy my life
To touch my soul
In the cold night
To put the warmth
Over my dream
And look underneath
How far in the sky
I love Aden without shy
When I declare my love
All people have given their vote
Not only to me
But also to virgin
That Aden to the sea
Has kept over the times
our promise
Oh? What digger has stabbed me?
When I heard
That Aden was occupied
By who never can be as a fly?
Oh Aden how can I cry
When your thoughts
Over my heart fly
As a visit to the flower by a butterfly
I keep the promise and never say
How we can further we get you free
Until we then to dehbash say
The ultimate victory
Then we are there
Good bye
