القرآن الكريم - الرئيسية -الناشر -دستور المنتدى -صبر للدراسات -المنتديات -صبر-صبرفي اليوتيوب -سجل الزوار -من نحن - الاتصال بنا -دليل المواقع -
Dear Prime Minister, President of the G8 Summit صيغة PDF طباعة أرسل لصديقك
أحزاب ومنظمات - بيانات تاج
نشرها صبرنيوز - SBR NEWS   
الأربعاء, 16 أغسطس 2006 21:19

Dear Prime Minister, President of the G8 Summit
Dear Sirs/Leaders of the G8 - Summit at the Gleneagles – Scotland
Rt Hon Tony Blair MP
No. 10 Downing Street
05 July 2005

Re: intervention

On behalf of Southern Yemeni people, the Southern Democratic Assembly would like to express its gratitude for exerting your efforts to address the crisis of poverty in African countries and at the same time would like to draw your attention to the practices of the corrupt regime in the Republic of Yemen. We strongly feel that this is the right time to inform you that since the war of 1994, the Yemeni regime has forced the South Yemenis into the poverty trap in a deliberate attempt of repression and full control of their lives.

The current situation of the people in South Yemen is no less than many poor countries and obviously this is not because our country is short of resources and wealth but because of the corrupt regime’s systematic lootings and unlawful practices carried out daily.

As you might be aware that the Yemeni regime has wasted tens of billions of dollars that have been given as loans and grants from your countries and other international financial institutions such as the World Bank and IMF. We understand that the financial supports were granted for the sake of economic development to alleviate poverty in Yemen but unfortunately these resources normally go to the private bank accounts of the president, his family and closest allies and never been spent on public services. Thus some action should be taken to bring those unaccountable to justice.

On this occasion we urge you to form a fact finding international committee to:
- Investigate and find out the financial help that the Yemeni regime has received from your countries and other international and regional financial institution during the past twenty years.

- Scrutinise the unaccountable regime for its systematic lootings of the Southerners national resources, private and public properties since the

War of 1994, which the president and his supporters shamelessly put in their private accounts.

Our people in the South of Yemen are appealing for your help to bring back their stolen wealth so it can be invested within their country and for the benefit of all.

Thanking you in anticipation

Yours faithfully
Dr Abdullah Ahmed Bin Ahmed
36 Carwood Green
S4 7FD
آخر تحديث الأربعاء, 16 أغسطس 2006 21:19