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Clarify the dynamics of a third - D / Mohammed Hidara Masdos صيغة PDF طباعة أرسل لصديقك
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الاثنين, 05 أبريل 2010 06:34

Mobility of Peaceful National South is the entire south, and the best way to communicate with him is the press. And for this and in the light of people's assessment of the Conference of Riyadh, and stop the war in Sa'ada, and military escalation in the south, we would like to clarify the following:


 by the fact that the London conference had put Yemen under the microscope, the Riyadh conference, implicitly linking aid to resolve political issues and is aware that the issue or issues the South as a whole, and know that she was a substantive issue derives its strength from the existence of substantive and the legitimacy and existence, and also aware that the objective presence of this issue is to make the people of the south of the same act for itself, for any of the same without the driven one, and the national self-awareness and awareness not seen in its history. And therefore, there is no system has any objective justification or rationale for an escape from the South to recognize this issue and to sit for dialogue in order to be resolved, however the absence of political leadership have or errors Tbosrh mobility and, God forbid, and it is what we call him the great caution, because the system is running and bet on it. And I would like to tell the system that, even if he succeeds in that it did not relay the issue to grow up necessarily explode. The stop the war in Saada is a response to international demand and is a testament to the international trusteeship indirect Yemen, in addition to the discovery of the war game, and stop funding both sides. The escalation and security in the south, it is in my latest attempt to silence the voice of the South, after failing to be dialogue, or this may be the same escalation to strengthen the system in terms of dialogue, especially that there is an Arab consensus and an international dialogue, and if it was not the case that this escalation, the system has done nothing but devote eternal divorce between the north and south, and to be aware that the constitution and the laws of war, the war, which suppresses the South and prosecuted on the basis of not binding on the South if the South could bring their case to the International Criminal Court, and on system will also be aware that it pushed him to drop the unit under the illusion of war and under the defense of their close relationship with America as they are, they are today, who pay to suppress the people of the south under the illusion itself, and agreements on behalf of the unit and its Constitution which Olgthma war. But we tell them that lie a short rope. If not get the war, if not the status quo based on their results, and if not plundered the land and wealth in the south and deprived people, to their words might be true. But as long as the war and dropped the unit and abolished the substantive legitimacy of its declaration and the legitimacy of its conventions and the constitution and created a new situation has nothing to do with what was agreed upon, what they say has no basis in truth for sure. So where is the unit until it is preserved, and where is the unit so that there is a disconnection, as they say??? . And therefore they could be the call for dialogue on the existence of the unit or not, in fact, and in the soul if they are truthful.
         2 - What happened in the south so far is proof of the lack of understanding of the political unity of the North, and the lack of understanding of southern politicians to their cause since the beginning, and is a lesson for politicians in the North Unit, and a lesson for politicians in the southern cause. Indeed, he proved that politicians northerners much smaller than unity, and a southern politician is much smaller than their cause. If the politicians in the North at the unit level to hit it to the war and refused to resolve the crisis even turned to the worst of the occupation. It is true that the people of the south, resisted the British occupation 130 years Sterhm it not for the oppression imposed on it since the war in 1994??? . And believe that rebels from the south who have changed the identity of South Arabia to the identity of South Yemen, South Arabia will raise the slogan of a new and looting of their land and their wealth and to obliterate their identity and history in favor of the North??? . For this, the South Yemeni Baliemien subject to a substantive recognition, because without it is not to go back to the South to the identity of South Arabia. The southern politician if they were in the level of their cause for Oatsoa and declared by the political leadership since the beginning. The friend told me that he had asked Gen. Sheikh, the leader of the Islamic Front in the central regions of the former opinion in the case of the South and his opinion on the problem of Saada, and said that the issue of General South is a political issue and legally licensed and legally, but without men, without any leadership. The problem of Saada is false religiously and legally, but her men .... Etc.. And this fact is undeniable, but I am sure that the issue would create a southern men, and that the problem had been taken Saada Slalia dimension requires a political solution and not military. However, now that the lesson by the reality of the politicians in the North Unit, and the lesson presented by the reality of southern politicians in their case, politicians should issue a public acknowledgment of the North and South to sit for dialogue to resolve them, politicians and southern pride and the public to their cause autism in public around and to declare their political leadership to them, and converts the movement of Peaceful National South to a national movement for the people of the south.
         3 - The political leadership required objectively and logically to the issue of South is the historic leadership of the South plus the leaders in the field existing in the field and advocates for the children of the sultans and the issue of senior traders and businessmen southerners if they so wish, and to begin the first step in this direction the unity of the parties to mobility, and then unit-party organizations in the south with mobility, special, and that the issue of all and one, and is a national issue where there is no partisan necessarily. And I hope the party organizations in the south, well aware of that, and realize that their leaders are still committed to Sanaa Buahdip South Yemen and North Yemen and Buahdip and format allow Thortehma, and believes that unity between them and national unity ..... etc., and described the unit national mean it between the sides of one country and not a political unity between the two countries. And these concepts is the blurring of identity and political history of the South for the North and legitimize the plundering of land and wealth and deprivation of them, because if we accept this monist and as a unit of national unity will not be longer is there a case Hajrizi Muje originally, and this contravenes the reality and complexity over the issue. And therefore the concepts of unilateralism that came in the national movement away from the objective reality of the concrete is held ever since the beginning, and is a misleading political, intellectual and led to the sacrifice of the unit. And therefore, these concepts must and have to go to where it is intended to history as we have said previously. Had South Yemen and North Yemen and one Ptarekha one political and one revolution to the state in the north and the State in the South, as recognized each other and came to the concept of political unity between them and when she came to agreements unity and the constitution and announced to the political unity between the two , knowing that the national movement recognizing the same two countries and is the shape of the Governments of the two countries.
         4 - that Yemen is not the name of his mother as he marketed the national movement of public opinion, and is a geographical trend, like Syria. And in political terms is not auspicious one and not Ptarekha one political and one revolution says the national movement, but was also Imannan politicians, namely: South Yemen and North Yemen, and was Btarekhan Butorten politicians, and two to the day of the proclamation of unity as was, in fact, and as documented in international organizations. And declared their unity as a political entity between the two states and not as a national unit between the parties of the same State as it is described now inform the Authority and the opposition. And this unit had been dropped and the war no longer exist after the war, but located after the war is rape worse than the occupation. Furthermore, the war itself had abolished the legitimacy of a substantive declaration of unity and the legitimacy of its conventions and the constitution and set us to the north and south in reality and in the soul, and it is normal that we should have been in the first line with the objective reality of the concrete. But the intellectual and political deception practiced by the national movement towards the question of the South, which has not been subjected to the Palestinian cause is the reason why. I wish all writers and intellectuals, politicians to desist from going down this misleading, and also have to stop deluding the public the existence of internal and external unity after the war and accept the people of the south the situation, and tell them what the best interest of the people of southern political history in a blur and identity for the North and in the looting of their land and deprived of his fortune and even say that the unit survived the war and that the people of the South met the status quo??? . Then you are a blur of unity, identity, and political history of the South for the North and the plundering of their land and their revolution and denied them??? . For this it is not before the South today is not rejected, acceptance of this reality of extinction only and does not and is not necessarily the case.
         5 - The war in terms of substantive and logical not only dropped the legitimacy of what was agreed upon only, but so too have dropped all logical or objective justification for the survival of people of the north and south within a political one, and it is also normal that it should be We been in the first line with the objective reality of the concrete. And I hope the leaders of all parties be aware of this well before the fact to call them for realizing a high price. I also wish to party organizations in the South in particular should be aware that very well and also to work to set up a special joint meeting of the South adopt the case and struggling with mobility in order to resolve or that melt in full mobility, they should also be aware that neighboring countries may not help to resolve the issue if the leaders of these parties, because these parties resolved through the political nature of change and turning the issue of political unity between the north and south to the issue of authority and dissent, and this is not a legitimate solution to whatever was right. As the legitimate solution to this issue and must be between the southern and northern rulers, whether led by Ali Abdullah Saleh or others.
         6 - that all the existing parties do not have an identity in the southern issue, because there is no party which claims to represent the south or the representation of the North. It is true that these parties in the southern biased inwardly to the south, the northerners biased inwardly to the north, but to hide the bias and the absence of a formal announcement is the fallacy of the same and makes these parties without an identity in this particular case. For this and because of this confusion left us the wrong national movement which led to the sacrifice of unity, this confusion has made the wrong Socialist Party goes against the course of history a result of this. He kept himself and concealed the state and the fate of her family gave up after the war in 1994, while the course of history concealed the socialist countries and parties kept their countries. This contradiction, which occurred when the party had been introduced in connection with the case denied the defense and particularly the South after the war in 1994 when it abandoned its leadership on the fate of the South and participated in legitimizing oppression with the rest of the parties. And this relationship is the death of the South to remain the case or the death of the party by staying under the law of the party denied substantive defense. And if reading the reality well, we find that whenever the issue has emerged as South disappear party and vice versa. This is an act of denial denial of substantive law which the party can get out of it and return the case to remain in South Korea and harmony with them, only to return to the southern origin said Dr. Abdul Rahman governor by more than six years, and I hope that the Secretary-General looks at just that . And that this would apply to the rest of the party organizations in the south, including organizations of the GPC. And ask those who contradict me that to keep these words of history.
         7 - The South now, they for the first time working for their cause, but the remaining weak point is not to show political leadership on this issue. In this vein, I say that there was such thing as leadership in the field, and something called political leaders, and each of the two types had certain qualities and method of selecting certain objective. Bosses of the field are studying the field, regardless of their level of intellectual, political, and does not, and must be one of the young and of the most prominent and powerful in the field. The political leaders are produced from political life, and does not and must be one of the experts of the most prominent and intellectually and politically, the most solid and stable in the political situation and capable of political maneuvering and tactics. In case the southern field produced a lot of field leaders and it's only organization and show the political leadership of their caliber. And this leadership will be the most important duties requiring political system through the international community to recognize the issue, South and sit for dialogue to solve on the basis of international legitimacy resolutions by the Security Council or on the basis of popular legitimacy by the people of the south a referendum to accept or reject this situation, special, and he did not Estpt unity in proclaiming, and private and that the status quo was not based on agreements unity and constitution, and it is based on the results of the war, based on July 7, 1994. And if he refused the order during this period until the next election, then this command that refused to let the elections and work with all peaceful means to prevent them in the south, and this solution is realistic and regionally and internationally.
         8 - we even if we assume the closure of the case file at the United Nations says Mnzeroa war in 1994 and the suppression of the South Mnzeroa now, does it mean to blur the identity and political history of the South for the North project??? And Does this mean that the looting of land and wealth in the South, and deprive its people of a project??? , And what are the interests of major powers, which holds open or close the file in the support system to conquer the south and the instability it??? , And what is their interest also, however, to make energy density??? , Even though the UN Security Council resolutions have established the parties to the conflict Bdolte the north and south, and the last paragraph of each decision says: and the issue remains under active consideration, in the event of renewed conflict and to bite if after decades. It is true that Western diplomacy encouraged to walk in the wrong those who did not hear the advice, but it does so in order to speed collision with reality for the reform of the ruling or disposed of, and that it is today with the system. Those who argue that marriage and separation unit weight, or who say that the inheritance and separation as two sides of one coin, as well as those who say that the call for separation of declaration of war or treason .... Etc., they all talk in the world of abstractions and not in the world of Mahsusat. They start from the hypothesis of a unit after the war, and this is my word does not exist in reality and in the soul, because located after the war is not alone, and rape is worse than the occupation recognized by all. And therefore where the right thing to say??? . For this, we invite them to disembark from the world of abstractions to the world and Mahsusat Sijdoa unit is absent in fact and in the soul, and then Siqtnawa what we say that they were honest. The comparison between the former regime in the south and the current regime of power and frequency, which believes it has a strong argument to meet the demands of the southern Political bullying is, because the issue is not trade-off between the former regime in the south and the current system, rather it is the issue of land and wealth was pillaged and the issue of identity and history was in favor of defacing the north. The former regime in the south has gone forever and Bradana Declaration on the unit. And with regard to the slogan Unity or death, it reveals the concept of colonial expansion of the unit, which shows the reality of this occupation, which came by the war and not necessarily the reality of unity. But as the call for dialogue without recognition of the issue and, without specifying on what they will be inviting the Byzantine dialogue, any dialogue for dialogue and not a dialogue for the solution. And funny that the system calls for the association of Arab Kahrob forward to the South of the case, and the world knows that he is unable to solve, and knew that the North did not accept the Egyptians, who supported the revolution and sacrificed a lot for it.
March 1, 2010

آخر تحديث الاثنين, 05 أبريل 2010 06:47