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أدوات الموضوع تقييم الموضوع طريقة عرض الموضوع
المشاركة السابقة   المشاركة التالية
قديم 05-23-2005, 09:36 PM
عضو متميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2005
المشاركات: 112
قـائـمـة الأوسـمـة

خطاب المناضل باعوم باللغة الانجليزية كم وعدناكم سابقا
Source: Al-Hiwar Al-Arabi (The Arab Dialogue)
By: Hadraman

The speech of Mr. Hasan Ahmed Baoom, Chairman of the Yemeni Socialist Party in Hadramoot,
The 7th Convention dated May 14, 2005

Dear members of the 7th convention of the Yemeni Socialist Party in Hadramoot, dear guests, dear attendees, I give you the greetings of Allah hoping that He may grant you patience and capability to differentiate between the good and the bad, between justice and injustice, between the healthy and the weak.
To begin, please allow me to talk on my behalf and on behalf of the members of all the counties of Hadramoot area which we all have the honor of belonging to and we were entrusted to represent.

In just a few days, we’ll be welcoming the anniversary of declaring the Yemeni Unity. I do not like to go through the bitter memories of that anniversary. The most that was harvested out of this unity was our national sovereignty. It is no longer considered our domestic policy concerns. The issue of the falling of Haneish Island and the resulting arbitration agreement concluded between the parties with regard to the fabricated issue, the Jeddah agreement and what resulted of it in terms of the border identification agreement. . all these remain in our memories. As for the assassination of Al-Harithi by American-made missiles and planes, the successive Ministry of Interior communiqués that distorted the facts and confused the public opinions. This was disclosed by the American *****istration which unmasked the Yemeni policy.
As for the US-Yemeni cooperation, whose extent is not yet known under the pretext of fighting terrorism, it has led to the uncovering of the reality that the Yemeni media whose main objective is to apply makeup to the un-nationalistic activities of Sanaa *****istration. They careless about the people. Their main concern is to beautify the president’s image. This has reached a humiliating status. This reflects the real image of the Sanaa *****istration which the government has been following since it gained victory over the South back in 1994 under the pretext of “unity”. In reality, it was the military occupation of the South to exploit its resources and lands, to expel its ******ship not only from power but from the country completely. This is for the purpose of clearing the air for themselves to do whatever they like.
The failure of the “Unity” is demonstrated in the continuation of the war from the North against the South, the continuation of the military occupation after expelling the qualified military and civil cadres. The slogan of “returning the branch to the source” and the “unity of the revolution” was in reality an expression of the failure of the unity which turned out to be a crisis and a catastrophe. What is really happening is something that not only causes the eyes to be filled with tears but causes the hearts even to bleed to death. No one can deny that even those of hearts with no mercy. What makes it even worse is when we see that those officials who came to Hadramoot have collected millions and millions due to their exploiting the land and its resources. These are just examples, not to mention those in Lahj, Shabwa, Al-Muhra, Dhalee, and every part of the occupied South.
Therefore, and due to our belief in regaining our rights and to revive the project of “real unity”, we announce the following:

1- The status quo is not really a unity, but rather an occupation of the South and exploitation of its resources by the hands of the North.
2- The result of the unjust and illegal war makes it a right of the people of the South to go after the perpetrators and those who are responsible for these actions in accordance with the law where ever and whenever they are.
3- The qualified cadres of the South who were running the government in all its sectors, have been liquidated or expelled from all civil as well as military positions by the authorities of the North. These liquidations are still continuing.
4- The harms that have affected the people of the South due to the practices of those from the North have left their scars that could not be removed without giving back full considerations and rights to the people of the South. Therefore we demand the following:

A) Condemn the unjust war and the religious justification that gave the green light to that war and its consequence.
B) Withdrawal of the recognition of the hostile war.
C) Call for national reconciliation and make the path of unity the principles of the political relations between all political powers or authorities in accordance with the National Accord.

D) Re-instate the positions of all those who were kicked out of civil and military positions, and outlaw all procedures that depend on confiscation of national rights to compensate for those whose rights have been taken away from them.
E) Adhering fully to the international legitimacy as embeded in the Security Council resolutions # 924, & 931. We also call upon the UN Secretary General to urge the permanent members of the General Assembly to pressure the regime in Sanaa to re-establish the unity in accordance with principles that are agreed upon by all parties or in accordance with the national accord.
F) Considering the harms inflicted upon the people of the South as unjust and as rights taken away by illegitimate force.
G) Call upon those who have been victimized by that injustice to report to all local, Arab and international human rights organizations to form special committees to justly investigate these harms.
H) Call upon all the people of the South to unite and express their opposition to surrendering and to defend their rights.
I) Considering those who fell victims to the terrorism of the Northern government as martyrs due to their heroic stance, and those torture victims as heroes who have the right to legally go after those responsible for these crimes.

LONG LIVE Hadramoot and LONG LIVE the South
The voice of the struggling hero of Hasan A. Baoom
in accordance with what is called for by TAJ
To raise up the voice of the people of the South to demand their rights.
No right shall be lost as long as we defend it.
رد مع اقتباس

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