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آخر 10 مواضيع : الأثنين القادم فعالية تأبين كبرى لـ«فقيد» الوطن اللواء د عبدالله أحمد الحالمي في عدن (الكاتـب : nsr - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 2851 - الوقت: 12:13 AM - التاريخ: 07-04-2024)           »          الرئيس الزبيدي يلتقي دول مجلس الأمن الخمس في الرياض (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 17051 - الوقت: 03:28 PM - التاريخ: 11-22-2021)           »          لقاء الرئيس الزبيدي بالمبعوث الامريكي بالرياض ١٨ نوفمبر٢٠٢١م (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 7577 - الوقت: 09:12 PM - التاريخ: 11-18-2021)           »          الحرب القادمة ام المعارك (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 13379 - الوقت: 04:32 AM - التاريخ: 11-05-2021)           »          اتجاة الاخوان لمواجهة النخبة الشبوانية في معسكر العلم نهاية لاتفاق الرياض (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 7216 - الوقت: 05:20 AM - التاريخ: 11-02-2021)           »          اقترح تعيين اللواء الركن /صالح علي زنقل محافظ لمحافظة شبوة (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 6979 - الوقت: 02:35 AM - التاريخ: 11-02-2021)           »          ندعو لتقديم الدعم النوعي للقوات الجنوبية لمواجهة قوى الإرهاب (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 7040 - الوقت: 08:52 AM - التاريخ: 10-31-2021)           »          التأهيل والتدريب (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 6815 - الوقت: 04:49 AM - التاريخ: 10-29-2021)           »          الرئيس الزبيدي يجري محادثات مع وفد رفيع المستوى من الاتحاد الأوروبي (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 7613 - الوقت: 12:56 PM - التاريخ: 10-27-2021)           »          تحرير ماتبقى من اراضي الجنوب العربي (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 7087 - الوقت: 02:53 AM - التاريخ: 10-15-2021)

أدوات الموضوع تقييم الموضوع طريقة عرض الموضوع
المشاركة السابقة   المشاركة التالية
قديم 06-06-2009, 05:17 AM
عضو فضي
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 1,935
قـائـمـة الأوسـمـة

Yemen steps up crackdown on newspapers
Yemen wants Saudi to block cash for separatists

SANAA (AlArabiya.net, Agencies)
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh will ask King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to block the flow of funds from Yemeni expatriates to separatists in the south, a Yemeni government source said on Sunday.

Yemen, which is trying to shake off an image of violence to promote its tourism sector, has witnessed frequent clashes between government forces and protesters in the south, where secessionist sentiment is strong.
"Saleh will be discussing the situation in Yemen with King Abdullah, and the activities of some of the Yemeni opposition living in Saudi Arabia," the source said.

The talks will tackle "measures against individuals raising donations to support the protests in the south," he said.

Saleh was due to arrive on Sunday in the kingdom, which hosts tens of thousands of Yemeni expatriates, mainly laborers seeking higher income.

People in the south, home to most of Yemen's oil facilities, have complained that northerners abuse their unity agreement to grab their resources and discriminate against them.

"I think Saudi Arabia is very worried what is happening in Yemen because Saudi Arabia has an 800-kelometer (494-mile) long border with Yemen," said Khaled Dakhil, a Saudi political analyst.

On Sunday four Yemenis, including a policeman, were killed and 13 others wounded after two days of clashes between police and anti-government protesters in southern Yemen, medics and witnesses said.

The deaths bring the toll of Yemenis killed since demonstrations broke out in the south in late April to sixteen, including five security force members. The Sanaa government has blamed the protests on southern separatists.

Protesters chanted slogans against the government, which is controlled by northerners, and carried posters of Ali Nasser Mohammed, the former president of South Yemen, which was united with North Yemen in 1990.
Crackdown on media
The president has warned against the risks of Yemen breaking up into "several entities" as the government stepped up its crackdown on media accused of inciting violence.

The Yemeni Information Ministrys also banned eight independent newspapers and charged their editors-in-chief with inciting violence, Al Arabiya TV reported Saturday.

The papers, all shuttered in early May, published a series of articles about the recent clashes between government forces and protestors from the south of the country. The government said the reports jeopardized Yemen’s national unity.

Reporters and editors-in-chief at the banned papers, which include al-Masdar, al-Nedaa, al-Mustakillah, al-Ayam, al-Deyar, and the website Mukalla Press, are to be tried on charges of instigating violence as well as encouraging armed conflict and supporting separatist movements.

[فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل]
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