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القرآن الكريم - الرئيسية - الناشر - دستور المنتدى - صبر للدراسات - صبر نيوز - صبرالقديم - صبرفي اليوتيوب - سجل الزوار - من نحن - الاتصال بنا - دليل المواقع - قناة عدن


آخر المواضيع

آخر 10 مواضيع : الأثنين القادم فعالية تأبين كبرى لـ«فقيد» الوطن اللواء د عبدالله أحمد الحالمي في عدن (الكاتـب : nsr - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 2914 - الوقت: 12:13 AM - التاريخ: 07-04-2024)           »          الرئيس الزبيدي يلتقي دول مجلس الأمن الخمس في الرياض (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 17072 - الوقت: 03:28 PM - التاريخ: 11-22-2021)           »          لقاء الرئيس الزبيدي بالمبعوث الامريكي بالرياض ١٨ نوفمبر٢٠٢١م (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 7584 - الوقت: 09:12 PM - التاريخ: 11-18-2021)           »          الحرب القادمة ام المعارك (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 13389 - الوقت: 04:32 AM - التاريخ: 11-05-2021)           »          اتجاة الاخوان لمواجهة النخبة الشبوانية في معسكر العلم نهاية لاتفاق الرياض (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 7222 - الوقت: 05:20 AM - التاريخ: 11-02-2021)           »          اقترح تعيين اللواء الركن /صالح علي زنقل محافظ لمحافظة شبوة (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 6984 - الوقت: 02:35 AM - التاريخ: 11-02-2021)           »          ندعو لتقديم الدعم النوعي للقوات الجنوبية لمواجهة قوى الإرهاب (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 7051 - الوقت: 08:52 AM - التاريخ: 10-31-2021)           »          التأهيل والتدريب (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 6817 - الوقت: 04:49 AM - التاريخ: 10-29-2021)           »          الرئيس الزبيدي يجري محادثات مع وفد رفيع المستوى من الاتحاد الأوروبي (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 7621 - الوقت: 12:56 PM - التاريخ: 10-27-2021)           »          تحرير ماتبقى من اراضي الجنوب العربي (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 7090 - الوقت: 02:53 AM - التاريخ: 10-15-2021)

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع التقييم: تقييم الموضوع: 1 تصويتات, المعدل 5.00. طريقة عرض الموضوع
قديم 08-26-2009, 11:18 AM
عضو متميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2007
المشاركات: 459

الاخ Ganoob67

من كل قلبي اشكر لك جهدك هذا ، اعتقد ان وجود نسخة من هذا التقرير باللغة الانجليزية يضاهي وجود التقرير ذاته وكم اتمنى لو ان احد من الاخوة يتكرم بالمساعدة وترجمة ماتبقى ........

في انتظار ترجمة ما تبقى لكي يتسنى لنا توزيعه الى كل المنظمات العالمية

يعجز اللسان عن الشكر
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-27-2009, 02:18 AM
عضو فضي
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 1,935
قـائـمـة الأوسـمـة

و ها هو الجزء الثاني....

The political conditions and transitions in Yemen

The violations against human rights in Yemen are closely linked to the general situation of the country including the political situation. It is known that the deterioration of the political situation impacts negatively all the acquired rights of the people that are guaranteed by national laws and international conventions. Here in Yemen, numerous of political crises influence seriously the status of all human rights, which are restricted considerably by the state. As a result of the current critical situation in the country, fundamental human rights are violated widely. Yemen has signed several international conventions and agreements that bind the commitment to provide all its citizens political and civil rights as guaranteed by the national constitution including the right of people to express their believes and to allow individuals to express their opinions and enable the media to cover events and present issues and views no matter whether they agree or disagree with the government.

Yemen suffers many political problems such as the insurgency of Al-Houthis in the north that resulted in five episodes of war causing the displacement of hundreds of thousands from their homes and killed thousands of civilians and soldiers while the signs of the sixth episode of was is approaching very fast. The Yemeni government which claims to fight to end the rebellion in Saada led by followers of Al-houthi, Zaidis group (a branch of Shia), which would undermine the authority of the central government and threat the unity of the country and would subsequently lead to lost of control over the country, according to the government. On the other side stands Al-Houthis who assert that they defend themselves, and accuse the central government in Sanaa and the Yemeni army to wage a devastating war aimed at preventing them from expressing their view against America and Israel and practicing the religion on the zaidis rules. This conflict lasts for about 6 years and caused the death of thousands and displacement of hundred thousands from their homes in addition to the ruin of numerous of districts of Sa'ada governorate in the flames of the conflict that sometimes extends to other provinces.

The situation in the South
The south is experiencing political turmoil and civilian revolt due to the discrimination and repression imposed on them by the central government of Sanaa since 1994, which is the year of the civil war between north and south Yemen that ended with the conquest of Aden by the northern army at the same year. 13 years after the civil war, people started to create political organizations such as the associations of retired military and civilian appointees which started to organize sit-ins to demand on their rights to be treated equally as their counterparts in the north as they were release unfairly from their jobs after the civil war. So, they requested to return to their jobs and get the same rights as military and civilian appointees in the North. Due to lack of responsiveness to the legal demands of these organizations, the people decided to re-organize themselves in the so called (Southern movement) that became a major political power in the South that could dictate its own agenda.
The southern movement decided to follow a “peaceful struggle" to restore what they called (the State of the South) or what is known internationally and politically as (The People's Democratic Republic of Yemen). The path of peaceful struggle was reflected by sit-ins, festivals and demonstrations that became more popular with the time and transformed into a massive public marches that very often ends with deaths and injured due to the use of fire by the police in addition to numerous of prisoners. When we review the occurrences of activities of the southern movement, the picture becomes very bloody as these often results in deaths and hundreds of detainees.
While the forces of the Southern Movement stress that they exercise a constitutional and legitimate right, claims the government that these daily marches are illegal and target the country's unity and security and that many of those who participate in these events riot, which requires the intervention of the police and the army. Very often, the interference of the security forces causes riots and chaos which results in civilian casualties between killed and wounded people and other who might get arrested.
Independent of whether these marches and protests were legal or not, the fact is that each and every moment of these events and their consequences result in major violations of human rights that vary between killing people without opening an investigation, arresting people under inhuman conditions and detention and continued detention without any charges against those who are arrested. The brief overview we present in this report confirms that the security forces by dealing with demonstrations exercise various violations of human rights.

After this introduction we hope that it would be easier to understand the rational behind the protests and the violations of the human rights in Yemen that increases with the deteriorated political situation which becomes clear with the reported numbers of killed, injured and arrested people.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-27-2009, 12:33 PM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
المشاركات: 10

مجهود رائع من بن لزرق .........

ومجهود أروع من جنوب 67
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-29-2009, 04:18 AM
عضو فضي
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 1,935
قـائـمـة الأوسـمـة

و هنا الجزء الثالث...

Initial illustration

This report is a result of huge efforts of a group of activists including lawyers, political activists, journalists, intellectuals and observers who are interested in human rights violations and who track violations that occur in this regard. However, this report is considered as a first step on the way to establish a complete and integral documentation and monitoring report of all the violations concerning human rights in Yemen. We tried through this report to present the most critical violations that occurred in July this year beside all violations that began prior but continued until or beyond July. In addition, we divided the violations in this report in two groups of violations according to the targeted population and type of violations:
1. Violations against individuals (prosecution, cut of pensions – Threats etc.) and against peaceful activities, meetings and events (assassinations, injuries, suppression of demonstrations, mass arrests and illegal arrests)
2. Violation against the media (prosecute journalists, confiscation of newspapers, suspension and blocking of internet homepages sites)

1. Violations against individuals

The violations documented varied between arrests, threats to arrest and even to kill, full cut of pensions or salaries as punishment for civil and political activities. In several cases it was proved that the Yemeni government cut pensions and salaries of 300 southern civil and military appointees in July because of their participation in unapproved demonstrations or “illegal” political activities. Regardless of the fact whether the activities these individuals practiced were legal or not and after reviewing transcripts of the Yemeni penal code and provisions of the Constitution currently in force, no paragraph could be found that allows the central authority to issue orders preventing the payment of pensions and salaries of hundreds of political activists. However, this procedure has been implemented and more than 300 people did not receive any payments for July which clearly violates domestic lows and international rules of human rights.

- (Two months of prosecutions and night manhunts as if I were a thief not an attorney-at-law). These were the words summarized by the lawyer and human rights activist Aref Al-Halmi, who suffered from state repressions without any apparent reasons, as he said. Al-Halmi in known to volunteer to defend the victims of the protests in the South and he overtook many cases such as the killing of Omar Abdulaziz Al-Sobeihi, 21 years old, who was killed by the police while participating in a demonstration against the government in Aden, the former capital city of South-Yemen, on January 13th 2009. Al-Halmi confirms in his testimony to the monitors of the center, that for more than two months he faced various form of harassment amongst others, manhunts and attempts to assassination which lasts up to now, so he is not able to move freely in the city of Aden due to fear of attack by unknown gunmen. This occurred several times in the past.

- It is proven to our Center that on July 1st 2009 members of the Central Security Forces tried to attack the lawyer Nabil Al-Amoody physically at the military point of “Dofas” when he was returning back from Aden. They did not mention any reason for their behavior, however, Al-Amoody stressed in his statement that the reason for it was his known intention to establish a board of lawyers to defend hundreds of people detained by the Yemeni government because of their participation in events and activities of the Southern Movement.

- A lot of southern political activities are not able to return home in the main cities in South-Yemen as they are afraid to be arrested immediately once they return to their homes. One of them is Nasser Ali Annobah, one of the ******s of the Southern Movement, who has left Aden to the province of Shabwa for more than one year. In addition, the lawyer Yahya Ghalib Al-Shouaibi and the writer Ali Haitham al-Gharib, who spent 6 months in prison of the Political Security Agency in Sanaa and were released together with 10 other southern ******s in September last year, they are still chased and they do live in rural area after a number of night raids on their houses in Aden carried out by security forces.

On July 5th the Central Security Forces in Aden raided an apartment in Al-Mansourah and detained group of students and pupils who were in the apartment at that time. Among those arrested were Aref Al-Nasri (31 years old), Ghassan Olib (27) Samid Al-Hanshi (22), Hossam Baabad (25), Waddah Al-Halmi (26), Nasr Al-Sobeihi (22) and Moataz Al-Esayi (16) and his brother Ali Al-Esayi (15). Those young people were detained in the CID in Khormaxer jailed without charge or trial. After the seventh of July (anniversary of occupation of Aden), Most of them were released, however, the security services kept Aref Alnsri, Ghassan Alib and Wadah Alhalmi in jail.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-02-2009, 01:36 AM
عضو فضي
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 1,935
قـائـمـة الأوسـمـة

أليس هنا جنوبيون أخرون يجيدون الإنجليزية؟

و هنا الجزء الرابع....

- Relatives of detainees and the “forcibly disappeared“ due to the occurrences in Sa'ada performed peaceful sit-ins on the freedom Square in the Yemenite capital city, Sana’a to call upon the government for releasing the detainees and elucidate the stay of those who disappeared in mysterious circumstances, but linked to the occurrences in Sa'ada. It has been confirmed that security units belonging to the national security Agency and/or the political security agency in Sana'a, Sa'ada governorate, Al-Jouf and Amran arrested an unknown number of people because of pretended connection to the occurrences in Sa'ada and at the same time some others disappeared in unknown circumstances but very likely related to the occurrences in Saada’s.
- The month of July was a very severe period of time as armed clashes between Al-Houthi followers and the Yemeni army became very frequent and during this confrontations dozens of people were killed or injured in addition of destroying many houses displacing families from home especially in the area of Al-Usaimat.
- Yemeni army forces carried out a wide spread arrest among the followers of the Zaidist fraction and busted dozens of them with regard to the conflict of Sa'ada.

- In the South, and with regard to the Southern Movement, the Yemeni security forces carried out a wide spread arrest during the month of July, where they captured a number of southern ******s in addition to political activists, normal citizens, Journalists and media activists.
Against the existing low, the Yemeni security forces carried out in the fifth, sixth and seventh of July a wide spread arrest in the southern capital city, Aden as well as some other cities in the south in a very aggressive way, which was illegal and contrary to the laws in force. Security forces and army units raided hotels and hostels selecting people from the South without any prove about their participation or even hints about their intention to participate in any protest actions.
The number of people arrested during three days of arbitrary arrests was nearly 7500 detainees who had been deployed on a number of prisons of the Governorate of Aden and due to limited capacity in large state tread stores which are not appropriate as prisons, but, in spite of that the detainees stayed there up to 15 days. Later, the government released thousands of them whiles dozens of them are still in prison up to now.

- It has been proven that security forces while searching a hotel in Al-Shaikh Othman “Hotel Al-Ameen”, they fired at an inmate named Waleed Al-Sunaidi following and argument with the soldiers who wanted to arrest him because his identity card showed that he was from Lahj, a province of South Yemen. Al-Sunaidi was injured seriously and had to be transferred to the intensive care unit of Al-Naqeeb hospital.

- In the evening of July 7th, hundreds of citizens of Addees, city of Al-Mukalla in Hadramout, went in a protest marsh commemorating 15 years since the end of the war between the North and the South. The security forces used live bullets and tear gas against the peaceful demonstrators resulting in the death of a young man called Hassan Afif Al-Wuhiri after being hit by a bullet fired by security forces.

- The government did not release those who were captured during the previous months because of their activities within the Southern Movement so a lot of southern ******s and political activists are still under arrest. One of the most prominent detainees is the former Ambassador of South Yemen in Mauritania, Mr. Qassem Askar Gibran, who has been arrested in the Political Security prison in Sana'a for some months and was put on trial, however, the tribunal was stopped suddenly after two sittings without any obvious reason. Further ******s of the Southern Movement were also arrested including Ahmed Bamualim, Hussein Zeid Ben-Yahia, former Brigadier General Ali Al-Saadi, deputy head of the retired military appointees, former Brigadier General Qasim Osman Al-Dairi, the political activist Fadi Ba'oom head of the Youth Federation of South together with further members of its governing body, Ahmed Alquena spokesman for the Council of the Southern Peaceful Revolution Command and Aidaroos Huqays (****** in the Southern Movement) and many others.
- It has been confirmed to our center that the majority of those detainees are arrested without any charges against them, which is considered a clear violation and an explicit breach of existing lows and the Yemenite constitution as well as international covenants. Furthermore, their relatives were allowed to visit them occasionally and for a few minutes only especially those who are in regular prisons or in prisons of the central security forces. Those who are in the prisons of the political security agency, their relatives can see them only behind barricades and barbed wire fence.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-02-2009, 02:02 AM
الصورة الرمزية شعيفان
عضو ألماسي
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2004
الدولة: جمهورية سيدونيا
المشاركات: 9,617
قـائـمـة الأوسـمـة

 مشاهدة المشاركة المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ganoob67
أليس هنا جنوبيون أخرون يجيدون الإنجليزية؟

و هنا الجزء الرابع....


هل سمعت بالإتكالية ؟؟

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-02-2009, 03:37 PM
عضو متميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2009
المشاركات: 209

شكرا للأخ فتحي على هذا المجهود الذي هوى أكثر من رائع وإن دل على شي وانما يدل على حبة وأنتمائه للوطنه الجنوب وأهله الذينهم يتعرضون كل يوم وفي كل مكان لأنتهاكات حقوقهم ...
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-02-2009, 06:22 PM
عضو متميز
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2009
المشاركات: 324

In the name of God the Merciful

Reports on the status of human rights violations of the Foundation to support the Arab women's issues and event Aden
Monitoring of the overall human rights violations during the month of July of the year 2009, and violations began as an act infringing the results lasted until July is the month to monitor such violations

Foreword and thanks

The beginning and we are preparing to turn more than a great effort to contact and a lot of care to monitor violations of its human right to freedom of expression and political practice, the right to express opinions and engage in all the rights that are guaranteed by all international charters and humanitarian and national, we can only thank everyone who supported us in completing the This humble and human rights work, which we hope it to be an introduction to the work of monitoring of incoming and reports can be more comprehensive and accurate explanation and reference, all of these we say thank you, thank you both to the human right to express his opinion to both secure the right of all people to say what they think is right, and contributed to us in the monitoring of any violation of this long-rights affirmed today's world to be respected and maintained are the most important principles underlying the international regulations today, and we at the Center for the monitoring of violations Arab institution as we advance thanks to all the men of law and human rights activists and media workers who have had a big role in us and let us know the facts of violations of certain human-rights monitoring and ensure that the incidence of stress that we will try as far as possible to continue our modest efforts aimed at clarifying the true image of what is going on exercises on the ground of violations affecting the right of people to express and exercise their political rights and perhaps sometimes in the right stay ...
We are trying to work through this as much as possible and as we possess the potential to establish a culture of respect for human rights and lay the foundations of civil society based on respect for all the rights that it brings the free world, and we seek to monitor the totality of Violations, which affected persons, individuals, institutions, groups and entities, organizations and resulted in prevention of the combined legitimate exercise of the right is only seeking partial and effort and the pursuit of an integrated effort should be played by all institutions of society and its entities, in order to access to raise the value of the human community and respects the right to express their faith believe in is not necessarily shared by other faith, but has the right to express Ikvlon believed this and keep him ..


"Monument to the gallows of death in every corner"
This may be a more accurate description is an expression of the descriptions of the situation of human rights and freedom of expression and democracy in Yemen, in this moment, may be described such a representative and realistic to reflect the behavior of pension and realistic, because the violations are in the highest rates and most up unity among all human rights violations in this country over the past years, and probably during the last decade .. What is happening today from violations can not be described only as a monument to the death gallows for everything in this country, many of the freedoms were restricted and many of the violations brought to bear on a large scale and still practiced until the moment passed without question, was not arrested any of the persons who were sure they had Exercise of these violations, or is suspected of carrying out such acts,
- Colorful human rights violations between the use of security agencies and the Yemeni army and police of excessive force that caused many cases of civilian casualties and the closure of newspapers and blocking websites and arrested thousands in inhuman conditions of detention and the release of some of them to keep hundreds without filing any charges against them, in addition to spare the number of pensions of retired military and civilians and enforced disappearances.
Multiple violations and shaped forms and different denominations, but first and foremost a reflection of the political crisis and turmoil experienced by most of the country, so must we offer to all of these violations in a detailed explanation, we find that it is our duty to offer to the most important causes that drive such violations forward to clear the vision and the background of these violations and their causes.

Conditions and political changes experienced by Yemen
- Full-related violations against human rights in Yemen with the general situation the country including in particular the political situation as it is known that the deterioration of the political situation impacts negatively on all the acquired rights of the person guaranteed by the provisions of national laws and international conventions, but the exercise of these rights in whole is closely linked to the political situation in any country.
Here in Yemen had received a number of political crises overshadowed by the severe status of all human rights, and we find have impacted negatively on the right and the right to exercise a number of rights but Antqstha caused crisis conditions experienced by the country in serious violations of all human rights across the scale.
- Yemen has signed several international conventions and agreements that bind all signatories to the commitment to provide all its citizens political rights and constitutional set forth in national constitutions, which contain mostly right of individuals to express their beliefs and opinions, ideas, and give a wide area of the expression of views of individuals as given and means of the right media to cover events and individuals a wide area of the expression of dissenting and concurring opinions both.
* Yemen has a lot of political impulses represented in today's reality in the insurgency-Houthi in the north and which has produced so far five rounds of war caused the displacement of hundreds of thousands from their homes and killed thousands of civilians and soldiers with war looming signs of a sixth day on the doors.
- Standing on the parties to the conflict in Sa'ada, the Yemeni government, which says: "There it is fighting to end the rebellion led by followers of calls Balciei Zaidi aimed to establish the Emirate of Shia, which means undermining the authority of central government, which sees this as a threat to the unity of the country and a departure from the regime's authority and the law.
* On the other side stands Houthi who assert that they are standing in a position to defend themselves, and accuse the central government in Sanaa, the Yemeni army launched a devastating war aimed at preventing them from expressing their views against the backdrop of what they were openly hostile to America and Israel, as well as prevent them from practicing believe that religious law and the Yemeni constitution to allow them to exercise it.
- Reach the age of the conflict in Saada to nearly 6 years, during which the parties fought 5 wars that left thousands dead and displaced thousands from their homes and caused war in the ruin of a number of districts of Sa'ada governorate in the flames of conflict sometimes extend to several areas in other provinces ..

*, Southern state of political turmoil and public, which is linked by what he sees as unfair discrimination and South by the central government in Sanaa has been practiced against them since 1994, the year landed the Yemeni civil war ended, and ended into a living North of Aden, the former capital of the south.
* After 13 years of civil war in Yemen have emerged in the south of political blocs organized themselves in a (associations of retired military and civilian) and began this association is organizing a number of sit-ins to demand?%
A8 to lift what he calls the participants and the organizers of the sit-ins occurred on them unfairly since 1994, which is to be treated equally with their peers from non-employees of the northern army before, plus the return of other claims have been discharged from their jobs without the ...
* Able to turn these communities over time and because of the lack of responsiveness to the demands of the official human rights brought by the so-called later (the forces of the Southern Movement) after managed to turn into a major political force able to impose a rhythm that ran counter to the prevailing several years ago.
- Adopted (the forces of the Southern Movement) a route called "peaceful struggle" to restore what it says it (the State of the South) or what is known internationally and politically, b (Democratic People's Republic of Yemen), and for that secured these forces follow the path of peaceful struggle, which was reflected through the beginning of the implementation of a number of sit-ins and then festivals of rhetoric, soon comes to be transformed into a massive public marches have proved to be mostly completed in the fall of the dead and wounded and prisoners often, as monitor the occurrence of riots in a number of these events, the picture may look bleak, we review what is happening in the South Since many of the activities (mobility South) end a bloody end or end the arrest of hundreds of participants ..
* Emphasizes the forces of the Southern Movement they are exercising a constitutional right and legitimate and legally guaranteed to all legal and constitutional texts .. While the government of Yemen that these marches are virtually almost daily over the past months as the marches of illegal and illegitimate targeting the country's unity and security, and many of those who participate in the exercise of riots often require the intervention of the police and the army because that appearances, and often leads enter the army and police to prevent the release of those marches, and the establishment of these festivals to the chaos in the areas of residence and to the unequal confrontations often lead to the downfall of many civilian casualties between killed and wounded is also the arrest of other ...
Stand in front of and between legality and illegality of these marches and protests the fact that each and every moment of these events and their consequences cause many results with regard to violations of their human rights in this area .. Determined features such violations between killing people without opening an investigation into the facts of these murders or arrests of persons in the inhuman conditions of detention and continued detention was extended for a long period without filing any charges against those who are arrested ..
Maybe that's what we presented it, short of the tip of the facts and the events confirms beyond any reasonable doubt that the Yemeni security forces are dealing with these protests exercise of various violations of human rights can be broken down between killing and wounding civilians and the arrest of others in the inhuman conditions of detention, in addition to ill-treatment was monitoring often exposed to the arrest is against the background of these events.
If after doing the simple and partial view of the features of the public image of the map of human rights in Yemen, we can not but link Iguena belts, be certain that the political unrest experienced by this country will have a negative reflection on the violations of human rights in this country and all this is most evident between the killing and wounding and arresting illegal and illicit incidents of torture ..

Initial profile
This report, in your hands is the result of many efforts of a group of lawyers, activists, journalists and monitors and observers and those interested in the affairs of human rights violations that occur in this regard but it is the first report and step on the road to completion of an integrated monitoring and documentation and uploaded to all of these violations.
We tried through this report to offer most critical violations that occurred during the month of July of this year and all violations of an act that began earlier this month, but it continued until July as a result and we'll try also to divide these violations, commensurate with the job descriptions, where Snksmha as follows:
1-violations directed against individuals ((prosecution - cut pensions - Threats))
And violations against the peaceful gatherings and activities ((killed - injured - the suppression of demonstrations - mass arrests - arrests outside the framework of the law)).
2-violations directed against the media ((prosecute journalists - the confiscation of newspapers and the suspension - blocking sites))

1-violations directed against individuals ((prosecution - cut pensions - Threats))

Multiple photographs of abuse that have been monitored and directed against individuals between the arrest and prosecution with a view to the death threats and cut pensions and salaries as punishment for political activity, civil or my rights.
Proven to us in many cases that the Yemeni government has during the month of July of this year to cut pensions of more than 300 military and civilian members of the south and on the back of charges by the Yemeni government to participate in these marches of illegal political activity is prohibited, regardless of the actions and activities carried out by those, only that after reviewing transcripts of the Yemeni penal code and provisions of the Constitution currently in force could not be found on the legal text allows the central authority to issue orders preventing the payment of the salaries of hundreds of political activists and human rights, but these procedures have been implemented, thereby preventing more than 300 employees military and civilian personnel of the receipt of their salaries for the month of July which is contrary to the rules of domestic law and a clear violation of the right of human rights.
((Two months of prosecutions and chases night and if I'm not a thief and a man of law))
With these words, summarizes the lawyer and human rights activist Aref Alhalmi suffering by the organs of power without any apparent reasons and well-known, he said.
Defined the "Alhalmi" voluntariness to defend the victims of the protests and South took plead that in many cases of this type mainly (the killing of Omar Abdulaziz Sobeihi 21 years), who was shot dead by Yemeni security forces during his participation in a protest activities on the South January 13, 2009.
Alhalmi confirms in his testimony to the monitors to the center, and more than two months subject to numerous forms of harassment amounted to chase and try to assassinate him and said that until the moment he can not move freely within the city of Aden due to fear of attack by unknown gunmen in the past, tried to assault him.
- It is proven that the Center and at the date 1/7/2009 lawyer and legal Nabil vertical for an attempt by the men of the central security point duffs military returning from the city of Aden, Contrary to the law of soldiers tried to attack the vertical without any reasons to remember.
Vertical in a statement stressed that the reason for the attempt on his intention to the composition of the legal and human rights mission to defend hundreds of people detained by the Yemeni government on the background to participate in the activities of the Southern Movement.
- Still a lot of political activists can not return to their homes in major cities because of fear of immediate arrest if they returned, most famous of these, Brigadier Ali Nasser Al-Nuba first led a movement of popular protests in the south that took refuge in a rural area Shabwa over a year ago fear of arrest and also the lawyer Yahya Ghalib Shouaibi and writer Ali Haitham al-Gharib, who were Maigarb have spent 6 months in prison in Sana'a Political Security was released in more than 10 ******s in the South insulted?%
AA Lambert last year, where were still hunted in rural areas Eskinaha after a number of night-time raids by the security forces of the home that Aden
- It is proven that he and the Center on 5 July by the Central Security Force Aden raided an apartment in Mansoura, and took each of which was in these apartments a group of young college and school students.
- Among those arrested Alnsri Aref, 31, and Ghassan Alib 27 years and holding Hanachi 22 years and Hossam Baebad 25 years and Waddah Alhalmi 26-year-Nasr Sobeihi 22 years and Moataz Esayi 16 years old and Esayi 15 years.
Those young people were detained CID Boukormaxr jailed without charge to them or bring them to trial, and later after the seventh of July release of the security services for the majority of those arrested of these young people it has maintained and Ghassan Aref Alnsri Alib and Wadah Alhalmi.
- Make sure the security status of the transfer of these three detainees to the headquarters of military intelligence area open, and until this moment has not been brought to any court, has not been any accusation of them which is a violation of a clear and explicit provisions of the Yemeni Constitution, which expressly stipulates that any arrest without providing owner of the trial or charge.
- A number of people arrested and forcibly disappeared against the background of the events of Saada and wars of the five silent peaceful sit-ins Freedom Square in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, the Yemeni government to demand the release of those detained and the disclosure of the fate of the disappeared in mysterious circumstances, but linked to the events in Saada.
- Confirming the proceedings of the explicit security agencies follow national security and political capital Sana'a and Sa'ada governorate and other governorates Kalgeoff and Imran arrested a number of persons in custody pending the events of Saada, as evidenced by the disappearance of others did not know their place, even the moment which is a fact of the enforced disappearance of citizens against the backdrop of political activity or ideological affiliation.
- In July, for the Sa'ada and Al-Jawf province nearby hot months back where armed clashes between the followers of Houthi and the Yemeni army, and during this confrontation between Scores dead and injured were also destroyed several houses and displaced families in other areas Osaimat.
- Yemeni army forces carried out a wide campaign of arrests "dozens" of followers of the Zaidi sect, against the background of the conflict in Saada did not know the fate of many of them in circumstances where they were captured.
- Against the backdrop of events in the south, and events promoted by the forces of mobility southern Yemeni security forces carried out a campaign of mass arrests during the month of July, where they captured a number of ******s in the Southern Movement and field activists, citizens and media are active on the Internet.
- Violation of the law carried by Yemeni security forces in the fifth, sixth and seventh of July until the campaign of mass arrests in the city of Aden and other cities, and the manner in which the arrests were illegal and contrary to law, where the security forces raided a hotel and military Allokendat and arrested thousands of people during a crackdown on these The method of detention is for people who are suspected of being the southern provinces and without having to prove they have been or even suspected of acts outside the framework of the law.
- Report the number of people were arrested during three days of arbitrary arrests, nearly 7500 detainees had been deployed on a number of prisons of the Governorate of Aden and the prisons of the full and non-absorptive capacity to receive more of them have been moved thousands of them to the stores state trading quality is not suitable to be a place of detention, and stayed those in the camps for almost 15 days, the authorities released later on the security of thousands of them with dozens of others remain in detention until the moment.
- Proved to the Center by members of the public security during the search for inmates from the southern provinces at a hotel in Sheikh Othman, the "Hotel of the Secretary," the shooting of an inmate, named as Walid Sunaidi in the wake of the outbreak of an altercation between him and a number of soldiers trying to arrest him on the back of that card identity indicates that it carried the people of the province of Lahj.
Sunaidi wounded in the abdomen by a bullet pierced his body and was taken to hospital at noon on the seventh captain in July and enter the intensive care unit for treatment.
- The seventh night of July, hundreds of citizens of the city of Mukalla Dees eastern Yemen in a protest, commemorating 15 years since the end of the war between the north and south, contrary to the rules of law, security forces used live bullets and tear gas against demonstrators, which caused the death of Cheb Hassan Afif Alouhiri after being hit by a bullet fired by security forces in Yemen.
- Not the Yemeni government to release those who were captured during the past months against the backdrop of events in the south, where the arrest is still a lot of southern ******s and political activists, perhaps most notably, former Ambassador of Yemen to the south of Mauritania, Mr. Qassem Askar Gibran, who arrested the Political Security prison in Sana'a months ago and put on trial where The Tribunal held two lawsuits, but stopped suddenly on the consideration of the case, also arrested dozens of ******s from the so-called "Southern Movement" including Bamwalim Ahmed and Hussein Zeid Ben Yahia, Brigadier General Ali Saadi, deputy head of the military and retired Brigadier General Qasim Osman Aldaari and political activist Fadi Ba'oom head of the so-called Youth Federation, the South and a number of members of the governing body of the Union were also arrested Ahmed Alguena spokesman for the so-called Council of the Revolution Command South Aidaroos Hqays (the lead in the Southern Movement) and others.
- Proved to the center the majority of these detained by the Yemeni government, without filing any charges against them, which is a violation of a clear and explicit provisions of the Yemeni Constitution and international covenants, in addition to not allow their relatives to visit them only occasionally, and allow the families of the detainees in the prisons of the Central Security and ordinary prisons to meet their families and meet with them short-term with the families of the detainees are not allowed to the Political Security prison in Sana'a to meet their families only for a few minutes behind barricades and barbed wire.
- The Directorate of bad security on the eighth of July arrest of a number of young people, including a minor child named Abdullah bin Omar Slave (15 years).
- Ben held Slave and his bad management of security on the background of what authorities say was a suspected of involvement in the illegal exit demonstrations that threaten national unity, and planning for an attack on a number of shops owned by citizens of the northern provinces in the city.
- Has been brought to those who have been detained for approximately 6 days no charge after investigation Bsiion Public Prosecutor ordered the release of young detainees to lack of evidence and the illegality of their continued detention.
- In a later statement issued by the boy's father, Abdullah accused the devices Bsiion custody of his son in the inhuman conditions of detention and pointed to the fact that the cell he was arrested, his son up the temperature to 45 degrees Celsius and the public prosecutor ordered his release the detainees immediately and the rest of the absence of a case, but it has been exercised against the repressive and arbitrary measures that are commensurate with the age and body young children, causing him to lose memory and the ability to Altkha
Medicine with people with impaired movement during walking, and is now suffering from a psychological and neurological very critical and he filed a complaint to the Public Prosecution Bsiion on 22.7.2009 against Yasser Amri, President of the Criminal Investigation Department and Ahmed Alsmidi bad soldier and the soldier in the archive Hani Alhnumei the instigators of the deterioration of his son's mental health. "
After submitting the case to the Court of Appeal has frozen bad case did not take any action about it.
He pointed out that his son Abdullah, who was denied a visit for the duration of his imprisonment prevented from sleeping in the prison and was interrogated for more than once a night and had been threatened by one of the soldiers remain in prison until death, in addition to solitary confinement in a room increase the temperature to 45 degrees C for six days without being brought to the prosecution or to extend his detention by it in clear and flagrant violation of the law, which led to the deterioration of his health, psychological, and after several claims was referred to the hospital bad-General dated 13.7.2009, which confirmed the report of the physician where the injury psychological and neurological status due to his experience of violations of the speed it requires treatment in specialized hospitals, and despite all that has been returned to prison again, which increased mental condition worse.

- On the ninth of July one of the oldest persons, Ali Seif of the Directorate of the citizens of the province of Lahj Hubail redress the shooting of four sons of the same Directorate Alqbitp conservative who worked in the Directorate, which belongs to the perpetrator, which caused the killing of Amin Saeed Ali Al-Hajj 17 years, and Hamed Saeed Ali Al-Hajj 60 years and Khaled Ali Abdullah, aged 28, wounded with Yasin Saeed Ali.
- Carried out the crime in one of the valleys of the military region, located near the police Hubail Jabr, with no clear reasons that prompted the perpetrator to commit his crime this.
- Not the security authorities to arrest the offender until the moment despite knowledge of his native and borders that move therein, and the moves were very simple and the offender still at large until the moment which Itheir many questions about the reasons for local authorities not to track the killer and arrest him.
- In the July 12 Security forces in the governorate of Aden broke up a sit of solidarity called for by civil society organizations in solidarity with the "days" Aden forcibly stopped by the Yemeni government, and arrested a number of staff and editors of the newspaper, although civil society organizations delivered an application for leave to approve the establishment of the picketing, and part to the ******ship of the governorate of Aden but the latter did not respond to it.
- In the twenty-second of May organized crime families of the victims of the military killed three sons of Alqbitp already mentioned them in an earlier section of this report is a peaceful demonstration in the stubbornness of the area near where the accident happened to demand the arrest of the killer of three loved ones, and the the number of demonstrators blocked the road linking the provinces of pilgrimage and Dhala, Taiz, and then intervened and units of the Central Security in an attempt to open the road and used live bullets, which caused the death of one of the dormitory and Osman Mohamed 42 years.
- In the twenty-third of July 2009 called for the forces of the Southern Movement audiences to participate in an event the Libyan city of "Zanzibar," the capital of Abyan province in solidarity with the "days" and to demand the release of the detained Yemeni government of the Southern Movement activists.
- The imposition of the security forces and the Yemeni army a tight security cordon on the city of Zanzibar and blocked access to it through the day prior to the start of the Festival and has blocked communications service phones in the vicinity of the city center.
- Security forces watched the festival and a shield, some meters away from the venue, and shortly after the end of the festival civilians, gunmen exchanged fire with security forces fire, which caused the deaths of 17 people, are: vegetables Nasser Saeed Al-Saidi and Aldapep and Awad Ahmed al-Mahdi Omar Qureshi, Abdullah al-Amiri Alharcha Safwan and Saif Abdul-Karim Ali Salem Alqaz and cream Aidaroos Ahmed and Mohamed Abdu Saleh El Shami, Mohamed Abdel-Kawi and improved marginal, Ahmed al Almarmi student Mohsen Saleh Al-Jazzar and Salem bin Mohamed Salem and it is not milk and Mohammed Saleh, commander of Muthana Ali Hussein Fadlallah, Ahmed Hussein Mohammed Amcnini.
The exchange of fire causing injury to scores more seriously injured, including one of the women ******s called a happy Indian and 6 of the general security officers, including Deputy Chief of Security of Abyan.
- Did not prove who was the first to fire. Effectiveness of the protest organizers accused the security forces opened fire on the initiative accused the security forces that they are fired first.
- What we've confirmed it is the failure of the security forces for the transfer of patients who have fallen in the courtyard of the festival and even prevent, for any person to transfer the injured to hospitals for treatment and because of that many of the injured died in the courtyard of the festival after hours left to bleed to death, which is a flagrant offense Vdie and a violation of human rights is punishable by international law.
- In July 25, 2009 in the city of Dali out a protest march organized by the forces of the Southern Movement to protest the Zanzibar, security forces used live bullets in an attempt to break up the demonstration which caused the death of Mohammed Murshid of wounds suffered while holding Hassan Ahmed live bullet in the left leg Rifat Mohammed and Hassan live in the left shoulder, and Nabeel Hussain Malik live in his right hand and Aref Nasser Hoidr bullet in the head.
Also been confirmed to one of the soldiers, Mohammed Security benefit after being shot by one of his colleagues for refusing to shoot at the demonstrators.
************************************************** ********

2-violations directed against the media ((prosecute journalists - the confiscation of newspapers and the suspension - blocking websites)):

((It's really unfortunate that the state of each potential recruit for the suppression of free media in reward thieves and bandits in millions of Saudi riyals))
Journalist Anis Mansour, commenting on the issuance of a sentence to imprisonment for 14 months with force against the background of deployment issues.

- On the seventeenth of July the judge of the Court of First Instance Alqbitp Judge Hassan Abdul Rahman ruled that prison Mutawakkil reporter "days" 14 months, with force and against the backdrop of charges of spreading false news and participating in unauthorized rallies.
- The Constitution guarantees the Yemeni official media and partisan and independent dissemination of news and views on the facts and events, and in the case of Mansour, we find that the trial lasted 6 meetings judicial court based its ruling on the testimony of a number of security personnel and employees of the ruling party, putting most of these certificates under suspicion and confirms that the case had been politicized.
- Still a political activist and human rights and media Alsamte Abdel-Rahman is serving a prison term of three months in a detention camp in the capital of the province of Lahj. Charged the Samte number of charges, including the establishment of a ***** for supporters of newspaper "days" and publishing in a magazine banned.
- In the twenty-sixth of the same month Alsamte transfer to a hospital, Ibn Khaldun after his health deteriorated and he was kept in the hospital for two days but he was returned to prison, despite warnings from doctors the seriousness of his condition and his need to stay longer in the hospital for treatment.
- Alsamte confirms that his case is political and that he had his rights guaranteed by the Yemeni Constitution also stressed in the context of particular benefit status that his trial fell within the overall violations against political activists from the south.

- Still the Yemeni authorities arrested Salah Media Living in Chaos, editor of the Gulf of Aden electronic network and the Chairman of the change in Aden since the 18 of June last.
Until this moment did not make Living in Chaos to trial He has not been any accusation of the Public Prosecutor, also for the Yemeni authorities are still detaining Media Fouad Rashid, editor of the site (Mukalla Press) and member of the e-Yemeni Journalists Syndicate in more than two months, where he was transferred to the Yemeni capital Sanaa, and detained there as well as other media, Ahmed Hussein, who did not Rabizi is also on trial, has not been any charges against him.
- Complain newspaper "The Road" and the position of editor of numerous forms of harassment say they are exposed because of the news coverage of the events taking place in the southern governorates.
- Implemented the civil society organizations, journalists and rights activists throughout the month of July a number of sit-ins in solidarity with journalists and freedom of the press and to demand to allow the newspaper "days" to resume publication.
- During the month of July was the last issue of the newspaper "Al-Diyar" independent of 2 August number 101 to confiscation by the Yemeni Ministry of Information.
- Complaining about a lot of Yemeni press freedom and the absence of permanent encroachment by the Ministry of Information and officials of the State organs and confiscated without Based on applicable law, where a number of newspapers have been suspended in late April but had been allowed to resume publication after it has been the development of the District Court in the capital Sanaa in particular Published issues many see as the narrowing of press freedom, including the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate, which called in a number of statements issued by the abolition of this court, demanding that the Yemeni Information Minister Hassan al-Lawzi to stop targeting journalists and newspapers.
- Still newspaper "days" leading Yemeni civil and long-standing non suspended because of the arbitrary measures taken against local authorities in Aden and the confiscation of a number of parcels the newspaper on May 2 and the suspension, and then armed aggression by the security forces headquarters and the home of newspaper publisher , which caused the death of one person and wounding three others.

- Media mail is still the same , many of the news websites and *****s are still hidden from browsing inside Yemen.
- Has been monitoring the number of sites that are still blocked, including: (newspaper "days" - the Yemeni Council - *****s South - Source Online - ***** ***** - Aden Press - *****s South - the land of Yemen *****s - - Network News spectrum - Shibuya Press - Al Mukalla Press - Net change - Network Gulf of Aden - OSNN South Gate - *****s heart of Aden).
- Is to withhold news websites talk infringe upon the right of individuals to have access to information and exchange and an attack on the person's right to obtain information and share it with others.
- Monitoring the movement was determined to block sites by the Yemeni Ministry of Communications representative company (Thlmyn), one of the most important companies that provide Internet service subscribers.


We can only say that we offer the conclusion that the monthly report, which tried through which to monitor the most important violations of their human rights in Yemen within one month and the month of July of 2009 that scary picture of abuses, and the status of these rights are not reassuring, Gross is on the rise The picture is grim, what happens is is a blatant violation of all of the rights guaranteed by all international conventions and international laws and the provisions of local laws.
We can say that the month of July was a bloody month for human rights and public freedoms and we can here only make an urgent appeal to the Yemeni government to review all the action, actions and call upon them in that abide by all agreements and treaties signed by committing itself to maintaining the maximum the rights and freedoms guaranteed by local governments to their members.

Through this report, we call on the Yemeni government thus:
- Stop to halt all violations of the right of individuals to express their views through peaceful and civilized.
- Respect for the freedom of the press and ensure the right of expression, to renew the call that the Yemeni government to allow the newspaper "days" to resume publication and the abolition of all sentences against journalists on the background issues published.
- Abolition of the District Court on the issues of deployment and the recently established, the fact that its presence is directly on the narrowing of the freedom of publication.
- Stop the threats and prosecutions of individuals because of their political activity and to ensure their security and personal safety.
- Allow all salaries, regardless of their salaries has been shut down and pensions, and the return of all of the suspended work due to political activity, both to its location.
- Open the door immediately investigate all cases relating to the violations suffered by individuals who participated in marches and people had been detained and subjected to violations during the period of detention.
- Release all political detainees or bring them to trial is available where the elements of a fair trial.
- Unblocking all websites blocked, including political, news and talk shows, and to ensure that facilitate the exchange of information and to ensure the right to obtain.

This report was prepared
Fathi bin Lazraq
Journalist and human rights activist
Email: [فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل]
All Rights Reserved to monitor human rights violations
Of the Foundation to support the Arab women's issues and the event in Aden

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة جنوبي يكره أي شمالي غبي ; 09-02-2009 الساعة 07:14 PM
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-02-2009, 10:02 PM
عضو متميز
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2009
المشاركات: 320

 مشاهدة المشاركة المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Ganoob67
[color="blue"][size="5"]حتى نساعد على إيصال هذا التقرير القيم إلى أكبر عدد ممكن من المنظمات و الهيئات الدولية و خاصة في دول الإتحاد الأوربي و الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية... يجب ترجمة هذا التقرير بأسرع وقت ممكن إلى الإنجليزية...

و نتيجة لطول التقرير و صعوبة الترجمة إلى الإنجليزية أقترح أن يتطوع كل من يستطيع الترجمة إلى الإنجليزية و يقوم بترجمة جزء من التقرير... مثلا كل شخص يترجم عشرة أسطر من التقرير!!.... و نضع الترجمة هنا... و عندما تكتمل يمكن إنزالها في موضوع واحد يتم توزيعة على كل المنظمات المعنية!!!

و لا يهمك يا جنوب 67 ...

العشرة الأسطر الأولى علينا ...

Maroon cross between the words

Take up your name and started

The Withdraw Saatkm of our time, and went out

And take what you will of the blue sea and sand Memory

Take what you like and pictures, to know

You will not know

How to build a stone from the roof of our sky

Maroon cross between the words

Your sword - and some of us as long as we

You steel and fire - and some of us to flesh

و كل عام و أنتم بخير

عمار عيب عليك هذا الكلام قاعد تغني للمارون

هذي ترجمة الكلام اللي كتب

المارون بين الكلمات العابرة

حمل اسمك وبدأت

وSaatkm سحب من وقتنا ، وخرج

واتخاذ ما شئتم من زرقة البحر و رمل الذاكرة

تأخذ ما تريد وصور ، لمعرفة

انك لن تعرف

كيفية بناء الحجر من سقف سمائنا

المارون بين الكلمات العابرة

سيفك -- والبعض منا دمنا

لك الفولاذ والنار -- والبعض منا على اللحم
رد مع اقتباس
إضافة رد

تعليمات المشاركة
لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
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