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آخر 10 مواضيع : الأثنين القادم فعالية تأبين كبرى لـ«فقيد» الوطن اللواء د عبدالله أحمد الحالمي في عدن (الكاتـب : nsr - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 2800 - الوقت: 12:13 AM - التاريخ: 07-04-2024)           »          الرئيس الزبيدي يلتقي دول مجلس الأمن الخمس في الرياض (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 17034 - الوقت: 03:28 PM - التاريخ: 11-22-2021)           »          لقاء الرئيس الزبيدي بالمبعوث الامريكي بالرياض ١٨ نوفمبر٢٠٢١م (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 7565 - الوقت: 09:12 PM - التاريخ: 11-18-2021)           »          الحرب القادمة ام المعارك (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 13372 - الوقت: 04:32 AM - التاريخ: 11-05-2021)           »          اتجاة الاخوان لمواجهة النخبة الشبوانية في معسكر العلم نهاية لاتفاق الرياض (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 7208 - الوقت: 05:20 AM - التاريخ: 11-02-2021)           »          اقترح تعيين اللواء الركن /صالح علي زنقل محافظ لمحافظة شبوة (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 6970 - الوقت: 02:35 AM - التاريخ: 11-02-2021)           »          ندعو لتقديم الدعم النوعي للقوات الجنوبية لمواجهة قوى الإرهاب (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 7034 - الوقت: 08:52 AM - التاريخ: 10-31-2021)           »          التأهيل والتدريب (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 6813 - الوقت: 04:49 AM - التاريخ: 10-29-2021)           »          الرئيس الزبيدي يجري محادثات مع وفد رفيع المستوى من الاتحاد الأوروبي (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 7605 - الوقت: 12:56 PM - التاريخ: 10-27-2021)           »          تحرير ماتبقى من اراضي الجنوب العربي (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 7082 - الوقت: 02:53 AM - التاريخ: 10-15-2021)

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع تقييم الموضوع طريقة عرض الموضوع
قديم 12-15-2007, 06:59 AM
عضو متميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2006
المشاركات: 155

هذا كشف بقادة النضال السلمي الجنوبي تطالب السلطه ممثله بوزارة الداخليه باعتقالهم وهنا تصير حياتهم في خطر ونحمل نظام صنعاء المسؤليه كامله لاي مس بحياتهم

Compelling order was issued against them

Homeland news: Mareb Press published a list of individuals wanted by the security forces in the province of Lahj.

Thursday, November, 15th 2007 – Mareb Press special

The Ministry of Interior sent a letter on the 23rd October 2007 to the director of security forces for the province of Lahj. The letter instructed security officers to refer all those accused of criminal to prosecution. The letter consists of clear compelling orders for arresting and submitting a report to the authority with a list of names and pictures of the wanted individuals so the list could be circulated to relevant bodies. A copy of the letter that Mareb press has obtained was signed by Mr Rashad Mohammed Al-alemi, who is the Minister of Interior and Deputy Prime Minister.

Mareb Press published a list of those of whom the security forces see as the key organisers and plotters of the latest protests calling for secession.

Name Address Comments
Nasser Ali Alnouba Afeef Almansoura- Almansoura, Wadea Haddad. Tel: 733888100 He is of the sons of Sa’yd county in Shabwah.
He is retired general and the chairman of the Retired army officers association and a member of the Yemeni Socialist party central committee.
Ali Munaser Mohammed Al.mua’ala, the Saudi Project. Tel: 711935731 He was born in 1952 in Radfan’s region. Ex- ambassador and a member of the Yemeni Socialist Party secretariat, secriatery of the Yemeni Socialsit Party committee in Aden and one of the regional ******s within the YSP. He is unification reformist
Ali Heatham Al-gareeb Kurmakser, Al-ahmadi buildings. Political security’s retired officers and a member of the YSP’s central committee. He is from Yafa province. He is a unification reformist
Yahya Gahlib Ahmed Al-Shaibi Kurmakser, Al-ahmadi’s Buildings,. Born in the Dahla province. He is a retired political security lieutenant. He is working in the legal field. He is a member of the Arab Lawyers’ Union. He is a member of the YSP’ central committee, responsible for the legal committee within the YSP General Secretariat.
Bader Ba-suneid
Creter- Harat Alkady He is a lawyer and a journalist. Member of the Arab Lawyers’ Union. He is advocating for South Aurabia. He is also focusing on all the affairs relevant to the British empire.
Ahmed Omer Bib Fareed Al-olaky Al-mansoura Palace. Originally from the province of Shabwa, Alsa’ayd tribe He is a journalist. Ex-member of the central committee of the Rabita party. He is in contact with TAJ’s movement abroad.
Mahmood Hassan Zaid Kurmakser, besides Aden’s university He is from Radfan province and a retired major from the political security. He is also a member of the Governorate’s socialist party committee.
Taher Salim Al-tamah He is an inflammatory poet and a political activist. Retired major and a former deputy brigade commander of tanks.
Saleh Yahya Saeed Kurmakser. One of Lahj province sons One of Lahj province sons. He is considered to be one of the separatists activists. He is a professor of sociology at the university of Aden.
Naser Mohammed Thabet Al-kebgy From the province of Lahj, originally from Radfan’s region. Yemeni Socialist Party Member of Parliament. He is the chairman of what is called organising committee for the Radfan’s festival
Nasser Saleh Abdul-kawy Altawahi- Hugeif.s area. He is originally from the Gihaf, Dahala’s province. He is the secretary general for what is called the Retired army officers association. He previously worked in the political military department within the military police. Then he moved to the air defence command within the air defence ministry
Shallal Ali Shaia Hadi Al-tawahi- Goldmoor area, besides the tunnel. He is originally from Dhala’s province General within the first division at the defence ministry.
Hassan Ali Nasser Al-beeshi Almu’ala and Alshek Uthman cities, Abdulazeez area. He is an active member of what is called the coordinating council for retired army officer’s association.
Kasim Askar Gubran Aden city, originally from Radfan He is the chairman of what is called Retired Diplomats Group.
Awad Ben Awad AL-salahi He is from Yafa’s province
Abdulrahaman Alwaly Aden city, originally from Yafa province Member of the Yemeni Socialist Party at the university of Aden.
Mahmood Abdullah Muhssen From Radfan Member of the development committee for the political activities in Radfan’s province
Kassim Uthman Al-da’ary From Radfan’s province Chairman of the retired association. He is a retired military major
Mahdy Obeid Hussein Radfan’s Province Secretary of the Yemeni Socialsit Party in Al-habelein’s region.
Ahmed Heathem Muthana Chairman of the finance committee of the retireds’ association
Mohammed Ahmed Zein Ben Shuga’a Radfan’s province Inflammetory poet
Sabry Sha’af Mohammed Radfan’s province Member of the YSP’s central committee
Ali Hussein Albageery Radfan’s province Inflammetory poet
Saleh Ahmed Hardabah Lawder, Abein Governorate Retired general from the political security
Aydaroos Hukeis Lawder, Abein Governorate Retired general from the political security
Amer Saif Al-sawry Zongabar, Abein Governorate Retired general from the military
Said Saleh Al-shahtoor Al-muhfed, Abein Governorate Retired general from the military
Awad Ali Sabolah Abein, governorate Retired general from the military
Ali Al-sheibah Nasser Alwade’a Abein Governorate Retired general from the military
Hussein Zeid Akeel Ben Yahya Zungabar Zongebar, Abein Governorate An employee at the culture office in Abein province
Ahmed Alkuma Mudiah, Abein Governorate Retired education officer
Ali Al-agamia Mudiah, Abein Governorate Memebr of the YSP’s central committee
Mohammed Hussein Ali Al-wade’s Abein governorate Political activist
Salah Keid Saleh Al-shanfarah Aldhala governorate YSP member of parliament
Abdo Saleh Ali Al-ma’atary Al-dhala governorate Secretary general of what is called the retired army officers association
Ahmed Hamood Harmal Al-dhala’s governorate Director of Youth and sport office in Dhala.
Abdulhameed Talib Muthana Al-dhala’ governorate YSP,s secretary of Al-dhala’s committee.
Fadhal Mohammed Hussein Al-ga’ady Al-dhala governorate Member of the YSP central committee. He works in education

وهنا تحذير من تاج وزع على الراي العام

” rewarns the Yemeni occupation’s regime of suppressing 14th October’s sit-in

TajAden Tuesday 9October2007
The Southern Democratic Assembly "TAJ" expresses its grave concern of the statement, which was issued by the interior ministry of Yemeni occupation’s regime, which has included a direct threats against the Southerners who decided to get out on 14th October this year in a peaceful sit-in in Alhabeelane city, in Radfan province to express their grave injustices, which were imposed on them by the Yemeni occupation’s regime.

It is nearly a half million southern citizens whom are unfairly and arbitrarily deprived of work, either through stopping them unjust at their homes or through moving them to an illegal early retirement. Their salaries or pensions are subject to a regular suspension, deduction and repeated extortion in degrading ways.

The enough is enough... the Southerners’ complains have been ignored for long time, no one listens to them, repeated false promises have been given by the occupation authorities and by the Yemeni president himself to eliminate injustice and to settle the southerners military, security and civilian personnel’s conditions and to treat them equally to their peers from the Yemen Arab Republic. The Southerners have in vain appealed to the occupation authorities to stop exercising the increasingly racial and discriminatory practices against the southerners.

As a result of all these practices, the Southerners have formed their own associations for the Ousted Military, Security and Civilian Officers and Employees, Youth and Unemployed Associations, Owners of Confiscated Lands’ Associations, Academics Association and Revolutionaries Association and others. They have organized protests in various southern cities. The associations have been organising sit-ins on a daily basis in different cities cross the South, but there were a big and wide sit-ins and marches on 22nd May, 7th July, 24th July 2ndAugust and 1st September of this year.
Despite the fact that those sit-ins were exposed to arrest, suppression and live shoots used by the security forces, but they could not stop them, on the contrary using violence by the Yemeni occupation authorities has attracted more southern participants and makes the sit-ins more active and bigger. The activities and events of these associations have been escalated and developed, they have raised their demands’ level by asking the international community to interfere and monitor the demands of the Southerners. They have submitted memorandums to the international community including European Union and the General Assembly of the United Nations asking them to intervene in ending the occupation and in restoring the rights of the southerners’ citizenship, which have been confiscated by the Yemeni regime in the name of the unity.

The Southerners are determined to organize a great peaceful sit-in in Alhabeelane city in Radfan province, on 14th October of this year, the day of the South’s revolution and its 44th anniversary...

This important peaceful event is aimed at drawing the international community’s attention to the South and to its citizens’ suffers. The Yemeni regime overdoes oppressing the southerners in trying to stop them even of such peaceful activities, which are guaranteed by the constitution of the occupation’s State itself and by the international laws. It is a natural and human right in the first degree.
The press statement of the Yemeni interior ministry, has threatened directly the southerners who are announced to organize the sit-in and protest accusing them of conspiring against the nation for the benefit of the foreign affairs. This new and dangerous escalation is added to the repressive and arbitrary practices against the southerners and their basic human rights.

On one hand “TAJ” calls the southern citizens to attend and support this legal peaceful sit-in , which could not be halted by the occupation authorities for the lack of the legal justification, on the another hand it warns the Yemeni authorities of resorting to the repressive methods and to the security forces’ threats. It stresses that this dangerous escalation, that might be done by the occupation authorities will lead to imposing violence on the south and will resort them to the armed confrontation in a country where the authorities do not respect the law.
At the time, which “TAJ” warns Sana’a’s authorities of playing with fire, it confirms that the threats will not deter us from demanding our rights whatever is the price, it calls all embassies operating in Yemen to watch the situation as witnesses in case if Sana’a’s authorities will implement its threats in using the force to confiscate the southerners citizenship’s rights. If they do so, no doubt it will be the catalyst to the southern to oppose the violence and defend their rights by the right method.
We make this appeal also to the states and organizations demanding them to pressure the Yemeni occupation regime to stop the violations and the racial discrimination against the Southerners. No doubt that the violence will sweep the country into a vortex, which will not come out of it. We are sure that the violence is going to burn the dry and the green and we feel that it is our duty to inform the bodies who are interested in the Yemeni’s affairs and we have already done that.

Southern Democratic Assembly “TAJ “

South Yemen
Tuesday 09th October 2007

[فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل]
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-15-2007, 07:01 AM
عضو متميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2006
المشاركات: 155

هنا بعض من ما تناولته الصحف الاجنبيه حول انتفاضة الجنوب

Oppressed Strikes in South Yemen 2

Two dead as Yemen enforces ban on protests

[فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل]
Compiled by Daily Star staff
Monday, September 03, 2007
Two people were killed and 10 wounded in clashes between Yemeni police and demonstrators protesting rising prices, opposition sources said on Sunday. A provincial government source said one man was killed and several were wounded late on Saturday as the police tried to enforce a government ban on unauthorized protests announced on Friday. The move came after opposition parties staged several protests in recent weeks to demand state measures to curb rising prices of consumer goods.
Government officials say the rise is due to a spike in the prices of commodities such as wheat in global markets.
The government has ordered state bodies to import such goods and provide them to citizens at fair prices and ensure that they are not monopolized by local merchants.
Four out of 10 Yemenis live on less than $2 a day, according to Britan's Department for International Development, which says Yemen's oil, its main earnings source, is expected to dry up by 2015. Yemen's oil production dropped to around 300,000 barrels per day from around 380,000 bpd at the beginning of the year.
[فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل]

Official: 2 Killed in Yemen Protests

Monday September 3, 2007 2:31 AM
Associated Press Writer
SAN'A, Yemen (AP) - Riot police opened fire on a demonstration by retired officers and soldiers, killing two people and wounding more than 20 on the second day of protests demanding the right to rejoin the army, the head of an opposition party said.
The Interior Ministry said civilians opened fire on the demonstrators, killing one person and wounding five others. The ministry identified the protesters as ``outlaw rioters'' and said several people were arrested.
The incident followed rallies by thousands in several southern cities on Saturday, which underlined the increasing tensions between northern and southern Yemen 13 years after a civil war. The protesters were largely members of the army of south Yemen who were ousted after being defeated by northern forces.
Demonstrations by disaffected veterans first erupted in early August, when thousands marched through the port city of Aden and clashed with police. One person was reportedly killed and some 1,000 were arrested.
Protesters have complained that the government of President Ali Abdullah Saleh is ignoring discrimination at the hands of the northern-dominated ******ship.
North and South Yemen were united in 1990, with Saleh - who had been the north's president - remaining in his post. In 1994, rebels announced the secession of the south, and battled northern forces for several months in a civil war that ended in their defeat.
Yemen was a haven for Islamists from across the Arab world during the 1990s, but after the Sept. 11 attacks, it declared support for the U.S. campaign against terrorism.

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Southern Yemeni ex-soldiers demand jobs
By AHMED AL-HAJJ, Associated Press WriterSat Sep 1, 5:48 PM ET

[فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل]
Rriot police fired bullets and tear gas Saturday to disperse thousands of retired officers and soldiers in southern Yemen who gathered to demand a place in the country's military again, police and protesters said.
The demonstration, which was the second of its kind in the past month, underlined increasing tensions between southern and northern Yemen 13 years after a civil war. The protesters were largely members of the army of south Yemen who were ousted after being defeated by northern forces.
The Yemeni government deployed dozens of armored vehicles Saturday and sealed off several roads in the southern port city of Aden, 200 miles south of the capital Sana'a, where the protest was taking place, according to a police official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.
The security measures were intended to prevent additional people from joining the demonstration. During the first protest in early August, one person was reportedly killed and some 1,000 arrested when thousands of demonstrators marching toward downtown Aden clashed with police.
The government said it had responded to the former military personnel's demands by allowing more than 7,000 of them back into the army, but Abdu al-Muatari, the spokesman for the retired officers, said that was only a partial solution.
"Protests will continue until all demands are met," al-Muatari told The Associated Press. "We want to feel that we are citizens and partners and not followers."
Al-Muatari said police and soldiers rounded up more than 200 people in Aden, adding that the clashes had prevented schools and government institutions from operating Saturday.
A local official in southern Yemen's Hadramawt valley, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the subject, said that the clashes continued late into the night Saturday and that at least 19 protesters were wounded in the southern cities of Aden and al-Mukalla, 350 miles southeast of San'a.
Protesters complain the government of President Ali Abdullah Saleh is ignoring discrimination at the hands of the northerner-dominated ******ship.
North and South Yemen were united in 1990, with Saleh — who had been the north's president — remaining in his post. In 1994, rebels announced the secession of the south, and battled northern forces for several months in a civil war that ended in their defeat.
Afterward, about 60,000 southern servicemen were discharged from the army, and many of them fled abroad. Most have since returned, attracted by amnesty and promises they would be allowed to re-enlist.
But many have not been allowed back into the military, which is dominated by northerners. At the same time, southerners complain that they are kept out of government jobs — a main source of employment in the south — in favor of northerners brought in to fill the bureaucracy and security forces.
Northerners also continue to hold large tracts of land in the south granted to them after the civil war.
Copyright © 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The information contained in the AP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.

Official: 2 Killed in Yemen Protests
[فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل]

Monday September 3, 2007 2:31 AM
Associated Press Writer
SAN'A, Yemen (AP) - Riot police opened fire on a demonstration by retired officers and soldiers, killing two people and wounding more than 20 on the second day of protests demanding the right to rejoin the army, the head of an opposition party said.
The Interior Ministry said civilians opened fire on the demonstrators, killing one person and wounding five others. The ministry identified the protesters as ``outlaw rioters'' and said several people were arrested.
The incident followed rallies by thousands in several southern cities on Saturday, which underlined the increasing tensions between northern and southern Yemen 13 years after a civil war. The protesters were largely members of the army of south Yemen who were ousted after being defeated by northern forces.
Demonstrations by disaffected veterans first erupted in early August, when thousands marched through the port city of Aden and clashed with police. One person was reportedly killed and some 1,000 were arrested.
Protesters have complained that the government of President Ali Abdullah Saleh is ignoring discrimination at the hands of the northern-dominated ******ship.
North and South Yemen were united in 1990, with Saleh - who had been the north's president - remaining in his post. In 1994, rebels announced the secession of the south, and battled northern forces for several months in a civil war that ended in their defeat.
Yemen was a haven for Islamists from across the Arab world during the 1990s, but after the Sept. 11 attacks, it declared support for the U.S. campaign against terrorism.

Southern Yemeni ex-soldiers demand jobs
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-15-2007, 07:14 AM
عضو متميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2006
المشاركات: 155

بيان 7 يوليو 2007 م القاه العميد النوبه رئيس مجلس التنسيق

The Southern Ousted Statement

Date: Tuesday, July 10 @ 04:12:06 EDT
Topic: Announcements
Statement issued by the Coordinating Council of the Ousted Military and Civilian’s Associations

Private for tajaden website ... Saturday, July 7, 2007 Freedom Square-Khoor-Maksar Aden

The Coordinating Council of the Demobilised Military and Civilian’s Association (CCDMCA) and the Southern people have organised a great

effective unprecedented strike of protest in the Freedom Square in Khoor-Maksar district in Aden; the capital of the South on 7th July; the black day; the anniversary of the South’s fall under the military, barbaric, tribal and backward Yemeni occupation. On that day the South has turned into a hotbed for Sana’a gang, who has stolen southern wealth, distorted the cultural landmarks of the South and turned it from a country ruled by law, country of dignity into a symbol of terrorism, poverty and beggary.
The Southerners crowds were very enthusiastic to attend this event and a large number of the participants range from 100 to 120 thousands managed to arrive to the rally despite the Yemeni authority arbitrary actions of horror and daunting. They closed all entrances to the city of Aden before the participants’ arrival from the southern governorates, cordoned off the place to prevent coming from inside the capital of Aden to the Freedom Square. In additions to that the Yemeni Occupying authorises have used various repressive and arbitrary methods including arrests. Despite all of that, a large number of the participants managed to reach the arena shouting enthusiastically for several hours. They continuously raised their shouts in the sky repeating:
Freedom to the South, occupation go out, no Sanhani (the president tribe) any many other slogans against the occupation and calling for freedom and independence of the South.

Speeches were made by a number of Southern ******s and read revolutionary poems and slogans, which transformed the arena to a revolutionary roar and turned 7th July into the revolution’s day.. The occupation forces intercepted the convoy of the Southern freedom’s fighter and hero; the Brigadier Nasser Al-Nuba, chairman of the Coordination Council in the morning, while he was on his way to the Freedom Square. The Yemeni security forces have arrested him with a group of his colleagues in an attempt to intimidate him and prevent him from participating in the strike. The organiser committee of the event in a affirmed warning sent to the representative of the occupation in Aden, the so called Al-kahlani and directly to the gang ****** of Sana’a. If they do not immediately release the detainees an eloquent response would be carried out. A rapid reaction was executed by several crowds in the provinces of Shabwa, Abyan and Dhale who began to block main ways and talk a position of fight, which they said that was the proper language to be understood by the occupation. The occupation forces then released the Brigadier Al-Nuba and his colleagues, who came to the Freedom Square. The demonstrators piggybacked Al-Nuba on their shoulders and were cheering superior and superior. He made an important speech. tajaden site has received a copy of which reads:

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

The Coordinating Council of the Demobilised Military and Civilian’s Association greets this big strike, that you have attended to express our outrage at the face of injustice and discrimination, and hails the growing spirit of solidarity and support made by all sons of the homeland.

The Coordinating Council wishes to emphasize in its statement that the problem of southerners’ military and civilian demobilised has not only basic rights dimensions, but also has political dimensions. It is not the problem of an individual or individuals, hundred or hundreds or even thousands. It is the problem associated with the loss and waste of wrights of tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of southern people, If we take into account all those who have suffered of harms of the collective demobilisation from the state’s institutions of the south, civilian workers and public sector institutions and the demobilisation from the military and security institutions. All became outside their work in additions to those who are forced to stay homes since the war of 1994 and receive of their dues only crumbs. Facing with these facts, the Coordinating Council wonders about the credibility of a source in the Ministry of Defense, which restricted the problem in 900 cases, which are exposed to injustice and they will be reviewed.

The Coordinating Council wishes to draw the attention to the fact that the damage was comprehensive, covered the whole generation who were and are still of working age, in additions to those who depend on the expense of the demobilised people including children, grandchildren and others. The damage also has exceeded to the policy’s practice of a fully closed-door implemented by the Yemeni authority on new jobs against all the southerners. The authority implements a policy of exclusion, stopping of work, demobilisation and forced retirement and many other violations to the southerners’ rights in all forms and various levels.

The Coordination Council indicates to the serious damage, which affected this large segment of people and surprises of the votes that rise from time to time here and there, demanding to separate the economic and social rights from the politics. They ignore the fact that the political mistakes were always the primary cause of the loss of the socio-economical rights. So the political reform and proper political practice are the only and the real guarantee for people's rights and for implementing and imposing the law and the rules and for respecting human dignity. Therefore our complains and suffers today are not a socio-economical phenomenon but they are a political matter related to the war of 1994.

Previous wrongs and policies before the unification resulted conflicts of a political nature overshadowed by the bloody and political blunders that coincided the unification serious crisis caused fatal mistakes committed in the war, which ended in 1994. The war imposed a full control of one party over all rights of other party. We the military are the largest victims of the political mistakes; we paid the price for it in loosing thousands of our colleagues in the flames of conflict. The recent war we paid a high price, we have lost our living for us and for our families. That suffer has comprehended all the citizens of the governorates what used to be known as the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen.

Our strike today 7th July is an expression of our rejection to the results of 7th July 1994, which was the beginning day of period of confiscating our properties, history, culture and basic citizenship’s rights, which is still continuing and escalating until today. Our strike today is one of the direct results of these serious incidents and discriminatory policy and practices. No doubt that insisting on the continuation to targate the South means pushing the country towards the unknown fate.

Really, our strike and rally today in this arena-the Freedom Square- in the city of Aden is a declaration of our absolute rejection to all forms of adopted discriminatory policies in dealing with us and repercussions that inflicted upon us by those policies; certainly it will affect our children and grandchildren for the long term as well. This policies and practices in fact target and threaten our existence and our future. If we do not put an end to them, they will be a big disaster to the future of the whole South. To be clear for the authorities and for all that We do not ask alms, we are the sons of this homeland who have the full rights to choose the way of our life and the fate of our future.

The Coordinating Council expresses its pleasure for the positive and rapid developments in forming the independent civil society’s organisations, especially after the fall of a several parties, trade unions and some professional associations in the trap of the authorities, which converted them to a tool to justify the practices of looting and cancellation of all the civil rights of the people, where owners found themselves vulnerable to all forms of tyranny and oppression exercised by the Yemeni authority in a lawlessness country.
Due to all these serious developments the Southerners found ourselves in a greet need to re-organise themselves in groups and coordinate with each other forming a national bloc upholds our rights and protects us from injustice, which becomes increasingly large and the number of the victims is widening.

Today the South is witnessing a large expansion and diversity in forming various associations, which some of them are ready and active such as the associations of the demobilised personnel from the Southern military and security institutions, and others are on the process of formation such as, the associations of demobilised diplomats and the forcibly transferred to retirement, the association of pilots and engineers forcibly referred to the retirement, as well as the associations of the forcible civilians retiree, the association of the youth claiming housing, educational, health services and employment rights and many other organisations will be formed.

The Coordinating Council hails all these efforts in forming various associations to defend the southerners’ rights and welcomes the role of the whole society, in supporting its representatives who defend their rights and reject injustice. It calls for communicating and coordinating between various associations, which are engaged in the movement of solidarity.

The Coordinating Council watches the continuous widening of the phenomenon of looting and violating the human rights, cases of grievances and injustice that are not only confined to a certain category in a given sector, but they went beyond individuals rights and spread over the whole Community of the South. We emphasise on the fact that there is a fundamental problem, which produce all various suffers; it is the political problem that occurred after the war of 1994 and drives the country toward a big disaster.

In additions to the collective demobilisation of the southern State’s military and civilian personnel of their jobs and institutions and the adoption of the closed doors policy before any new recruitment, the authority continues to dispose all the sources that the people live on, it names the properties of the south as land and buildings’ State. It disposes them for the benefit of those who have no rights on them at all. It continues to possess the properties, which were nationalised before the unification, and privatizes the state and the private sector properties and assets, which were confiscated before. The authority does not solve such problem and compensate the previous owners from the south, although the state has enough resources to resolve and overcome the consequences of this problem. It keeps it open without solution to exercise greater political blackmail and psychological pressure on the parties of the problem.

All Those steps collectively represent real threat to the existence of the southerners, threat to make the people of the south without a land and therefore threat to their fate. Certainly we will continue by all peaceful means to organise ourselves and defend our rights, our existence, and our future. If we do not do that now we would gradually lose the homeland, citizenship’s rights and will scramble towards the unknown fate.
We feel the danger surrounding us and the future of our children, so we will not obey to what is being planned for us and will continue our peaceful incremental steps to force others to recognise and accept all our human rights, which are guaranteed by all religions, national and international laws, conventions and treaties, which are recognised by the whole world’s countries.

We call all human rights organisations at home and abroad and the United Nations to uphold our causes and our rights after it has been closed the doors and turning a deaf ear to our peaceful and legitimate demands.

At the end we welcome all brothers’ members and ******s of the General People's Congress from the south and ask God for success.
Coordinating Council of the Demobilised Military and Civilian’ associations

Nasser Al-Nuba
Issued in the City of Aden
July 7, 2007

ايضا بعض مما نتاولته الصحف الاجنبيه عن انتفاضة ابناء الجنوب

Yemeni police respond to retired army demonstration with tear gas, bullets

2007-09-01 23:14:00 -

[فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل]

SAN'A, Yemen (AP) - Hundreds of riot police fired bullets and tear gas Saturday to disperse thousands of retired officers and soldiers in southern Yemen who were demanding to be allowed back into the military, police and protesters said.
The demonstration, which was the second of its kind in the past month, underlined increasing tensions between southern and northern Yemen 13 years after a civil war. The protesters were largely members of the army of south Yemen who were ousted after being defeated by northern forces.
The Yemeni government deployed dozens of armored vehicles Saturday and sealed off several roads in the southern port city of Aden, 200 miles (320 kilometers) south of the capital Sana'a, where the protest was taking place, according to a police official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.
The security measures were intended to prevent additional people from joining the demonstration. During the first protest in early August, one person was reportedly killed and some 1,000 arrested when thousands of demonstrators marching toward downtown Aden clashed with police.
The government said it had responded to the former military personnel's demands by allowing more than 7,000 of them back into the army, but Abdu al-Muatari, the spokesman for the retired officers, called the move only a partial solution.
«Protests will continue until all demands are met,» al-Muatari told The Associated Press. «We want to feel that we are citizens and partners and not followers.
Al-Muatari said that the police and army rounded up more than 200 people in Aden, adding that the clashes had prevented schools and government institutions from operating Saturday.
A local official in southern Yemen's Hadramawt valley, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the subject, said that the clashes continued late into the night Saturday and that at least 19 protesters have been wounded in the southern cities of Aden and al-Mukalla, 560 kilometers (350 miles) southeast of San'a.
Protesters have complained that the government of President Ali Abdullah Saleh is ignoring complaints by southerners of discrimination at the hands of the northerner-dominated ******ship.
North and South Yemen were united in 1990, with Saleh _ who had been the north's president _ remaining in his post. In 1994, rebels announced the secession of the south, and battled northern forces for several months in a civil war that ended in their defeat.
Afterward, about 60,000 southern servicemen were discharged from the army, and many of them fled abroad. Most have since returned, attracted by amnesty and promises they would be allowed to re-enlist.
But many have not been allowed back into the military, which is dominated by northerners. At the same time, southerners complain that they are kept out of government jobs _ a main source of employment in the south _ in favor of northerners brought in to fill the bureaucracy and security forces.
Northerners also continue to hold large tracts of land in the south granted to them after the civil war.

Press release: [فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل]
Kontaktinformation: e-mail
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-15-2007, 07:23 AM
عضو متميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2006
المشاركات: 155

رساله الى سفارات العالم في صنعاء وجامعة الدول العربيه باسم مجلس التنسيق بتاريخ 4 يونيو

The case of the southern retired officers has been escalated to a top level
Date: Saturday, June 09 @ 22:45:14 EDT
Topic: Press Releases
The case of the Southern retired officers has been escalated to a top level after a failure of a meeting, which was to be held yesterday 09th June between the Yemeni occupiers’ representative in Aden (Al-Kahlani)

and the Coordination Council of the southern Retired Military and Security Officers’ Association. The Council held yesterday 09.06.2007 an extraordinary meeting in Aden and issued a statement identified its demands including calling the international community to send a committee to investigate the crimes that the Yemeni occupiers have been committed in the South. It is worth mentioned that the association held last week a big strike in Aden at the Freedom Square on 4th June 2007 and dispatched a letter to both the representatives of the UN and EU in Yemen. Tajaden site has got a copy of that letter here is a translation to its text:

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Your Excellency the representative of the United Nations- Sana’a
Your Excellency the representative of the European Union- Sana’a


We the officers of the military and the security of what was known as a government of the People’s Republic Democratic of Yemen would like at the beginning to extend our sincere greetings and best wishes to you and to brief you about our cause as we have been exposed to exclusion and discrimination since the war of the summer of 1994.

Most of us have been moved to a compulsory retirement before reaching the retirement’s age that is stipulated in the Yemeni valid laws, the others were enforced to leave their jobs and stay at home without any legal procedures or reasonable justifications, whereas our colleagues from what was known as a Yemen Arab Republic have not received the same treatment, which make it clear to us that Sana’a’s government has only aimed at those from the south.

Despite that the fact that many of us were carrying a high ranking in what was known the army of the South and a number of associations of the retired military and security officers have been established in many governorates, held several peaceful strikes before the mayors’ offices calling the authorities to give us our pension and many newspapers have written about our cause, it is a very regretful that the government has given no attention to all our demands and peaceful protests. This illegal and maltreatment in depriving us of our pension has brought many of us with our families and children to a state of misery, poverty and unbearable suffer.

The government exclusion and maltreatment to us is unacceptable behaviour even in human terms, not to mention that such treatment is a violation of the Yemeni constitution and valid legislations in addition to the UN Security Council’s resolutions on the issue of the South. It is also a clear breach of the international charters, which were signed by Yemen first and foremost of a human rights convention and all articles branched out it, which denies and criminalizes such acts.
We have so any promises and agreements to resolve our problem and give us our rights, but nothing has ever true. So we are determined by all peaceful means to keep our case life until we get all our constitutional and legal rights.

Your Excellency UN/EU representative we believe that you are the one who might support us and maintain the international law and conventions, so we appeal to you in your capacity and power to pressurize the Yemeni authorities and to convince it into giving us our legal rights rather than discriminating us.

At the end, we hope you understand our cause and consider our inhuman case, which is a result of the government’s illegal and oppressive practice.

Please accept my sincere thanks and sincere appreciation.

Sincerely yours
Brigadier / Nasser Al-Nnuba
Head of the Retired Military and civilian Association- Aden-
Head of the Coordination Council of Retired Military and Civilians Associations in the southern governorates
4th June 2007

Copy with greeting to:
1- Their Excellencies all ambassadors at Yemen
2-All related, regional and Arab bodies and organisations.
Private translation for Tajaden site
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-15-2007, 07:28 AM
عضو متميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2006
المشاركات: 155

المزيد من الوثائق المهمه التي تعبر وتعكس النضال السلمي لابناء الجنوب وتضحياتهم في سبيل تحقيق استقلال وطنهم الجنوبي سننشرها تباعا برجاء الاستفادة منها من قبل الجميع
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-16-2007, 06:24 PM
عضو متميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2007
الدولة: الجنوب العربي
المشاركات: 149

  المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة احمد مثنى علي
ابناء الجنوب اليمني يطالبون بحرية بلادهم
بثت القناه التلفزيونيه المحليه الخامسه في منطقة واشنطن الكبرى خبرا حول مظاهرة ابناء الجنوب في واشنطن مفاده بان مظاهره امام البيت الابيض رفعت شعار الحريه والاستقلال لجنوب اليمن.. هذا التعاطي من قبل وسيله اعلاميه محليه امريكيه كانت مرابطه داخل البيت الابيض يعتبر مؤشر بان ايصال قضية وطننا الجنوبي الى اوساط الراي العام الامريكي ياتي من خلال العمل مع مختلف وسائل الاعلام الامريكيه التي يجب ان يصب اهتمام ابناء الجنوب لاحقا على التواصل الدائم معها و مدها بالاخبار المصوره عن نضال وتضحيات ابناء الجنوب في سبيل تحرير وطنهم. وعندما يحين موعد لقائنا مجددا امام البيت الابيض او الامم المتحده ربما سيكون الاعلام الامريكي الحر حاضرا ومهتما بمتابعة اخبار الجنوب بشكل افضل من الاعلام الموجه لاشقائنا العرب, فلتكن مهمة التواصل مع وسائل الاعلام الامريكيه مسؤوليه شخصيه لكل جنوبي اينما وجد وبالامكان الاستفاده من الماده الاعلاميه المتاحه على منتديات صوت الجنوب وباستطاعة من يريد التواصل بقيادات تاج في عموم الولايات المتحده لتوفير المعلومات والوثائق المطلوبه.
- شهدت واشنطن في ال30 من نوفمبر الفائت حشدا كبيرا لابناء الجنوب عالي في التنظيم يلفهم حماس منقطع النظير لم يالفه ابناء الجنوب في المهجر الامريكي مؤخرا هذا الحشد ذكرهم بتظاهرات حرب الدفاع عن الجنوب في يونيو 1994م حيث توافد في ذلك التاريخ ابناء الجنوب من كافة الولايات الامريكيه للتظاهر امام الامم المتحده وهي تصوغ قرارات التدخل الدولي لايقاف المعارك وحسم الصراع بين الجنوب والشمال عن طريق الحوار السلمي المباشر وباشراف الهيئه الدوليه. وهاهو التاريخ يعيد نفسه بين ابناء الجنوب داخل وخارج الوطن وهم اليوم يسطرون ملحمه النضال التحرري السلمي، فالحشد الكبير امام البيت الابيض قد حمل رساله جنوبيه واضحه وهي عزم وتصميم ابناء الجنوب على انتزاع الاستقلال الثاني لوطنهم.
- حققت مظاهرة واشنطن هدفها الاولي واوصلت رساله جنوبيه الى العاصمه واشنطن وهي مساله وقت ليس اكثر حتى يعترف العالم بعدالة القضيه التي يطالب بها ابناء الجنوب و تاتي الولايات المتحده الامريكيه في مقدمة دول العالم ممثله بحكومتها الجمهوريه الحاليه ام الجديده بعد عام والتي يجمع المتابعين السياسيين على انها ستكون ديمقراطيه.
- رسالة ابناء الجنوب في مظاهرة واشنطن قدمها تاج في ملف متكامل الى عدد من الجهات اهمها الرئيس الامريكي ووزيرة الخارجيه ورئيسة مجلس النواب وبعض المعاهد والمراكز المعنيه بشؤون المنطقه وتلك التي تقدم النصح والمشوره الى المعنيين برسم السياسه الخارجيه الامريكيه بالاضافه الى عدد من منظمات حقوق الانسان وملف متكامل الى الامين العام للامم المتحده والاعضاء الدائمين لمجلس الامن الدولي. وتواصلا مع ما يقوم به تاج مع الجهات الرسميه في اوروبا والولايات المتحده الامريكيه نرفق هنا بعض الوثائق القابله للتداول على امل ان يتولى كل جنوبي ايصالها بالطرق المناسبه الى وسائل الاعلام وصناع القرار في حكومات دول العالم والمنظمات الحكوميه والغير حكوميه لكي نصل بصوت شعبنا الجنوبي ونضاله السلمي ومطالبه المشروعه الى كافة ارجاء الكون. وهنا يحدونا الامل على وجه الخصوص من كافة الاخوه والاخوات في عموم امريكا ان يتعاملوا مع هذا الملف بجديه وايصال مضمونه الى ممثلي الولايات الاعضاء في مجلسي الشيوخ والنواب الذي سيوجه جزء كبير من اهتمامنا في المرحله القادمه الى الاتصال والتواصل معهم.
- تواصلا مع ما تم في ميتشجن حرصنا في تاج ان تكون واشنطن محطه لمواصلة البناء التنظيمي في عموم الولايات المتحدة الامريكيه حيث تم تشكيل اللجان التنفيذيه وسيتم في الايام القادمه التواصل مع قيادات تاج لوضع اللمسات الاخيره لاستكمال بنيانه في عموم امريكا حيث يتسنى للهيئات القيام بتسيير اعمالها في مناطق تواجدها بسهوله واكثر قدره على رص الصفوف ودعم مسيرة النضال السلمي التحرري لوطننا الغالي الجنوب.
- وفي واشنطن ايضا تم من حيث المبدا الاتفاق على مقترح تشكيل مجلس التنسيق الاعلى لجمعيات ابناء الجنوب وكلف الاخ عوض على حيدره برئاسة اللجنة التحضيريه على ان يجري التواصل مع الجميع لاستكمال قوام المجلس والاعلان عنه في الوقت المناسب.
- مظاهرة ابناء الجنوب في واشنطن في الثلاثين من نوفمبر فرضت نفسها هذه المره فقد تناولتها احدى القنوات الامريكيه المحليه وكانت محطتي الجزيره والعربيه متواجدتان وقامتا بتصوير مطول واجرت الاولى حوارا قصيرا مع رئيس تاج و اخذت الثانيه تصريحات كل من الاخوه سيف منصر ومحمد العبادي وحمزه صالح كما كانت العالم حاضره بمصورها.. غير ان حضور الاعلام العربي الملفت لم يواكبه اي بث من قبل تلك القنوات وقد عودنا الاعلام العربي الذي يدعي الحياديه والحريه بانه لايزال بعيدا عن الاعلام الحر الذي نشاهده خارج محيطنا العربي. ونحن ابناء الجنوب نعتبر بان تجاهل قضيتنا من قبل الاعلام العربي من ورائه القاده والحكام العرب وهم القائمين على تلك المحطات ولايجب ان ننتضر منهم الانصاف فلابد من ايجاد وسيله اعلاميه محايده تتبنى نضال شعبنا الجنوبي السلمي وتعكس ما يعانيه وما يقدمه من تضحيات وتتفهم بل وتقف الى جانب تطلعاته المشروعه في سبيل استعادة الاستقلال الثاني لوطنه الجنوبي واقامة دولته المستقله ذات السياده على كامل ارض وتراب جمهورية اليمن الديمقراطيه الشعبيه وعاصمتها الابديه عدن.
- يتوجه صباح العاشر من ديسمبر 2007م شعب الجنوب قاطبه داخل وخارج الوطن الى مهد الثوره وعنوان الكبرياء الجنوبي الى ردفان الابيه لتدوين يوم تاريخي اخر في سجل ثورة الجنوب حيث يتم في موكب جنائزي مهيب تشييع جثمان الشهيد عبدالناصر حماده والشهيد محمد نصر هيثم والشهيد فهمي محمد حسين والشهيد شفيق هيثم حسن شهداء ثورة 14 اكتوبر الثانيه الى مثواهم الاخير وهنا نقف دقيقه حداد اجلالا ووفاء لارواحهم الطاهره ولارواح كافة الشهداء الذين سقطوا فداء لوطنهم الجنوب... فعزائنا بان نظل اوفياء لدماء الشهداء وان نواصل مسيرة تحرير وطننا حتى ينال حريته واستقلاله الثاني في القريب العاجل باذن الله.
احمد مثنى علي، رئيس تاج في عموم الولايات المتحدة الامريكيه.

ارجوا المعذره لتعذر ارفاق الملف في هذه الصفحه لكبر حجمه ووعد بنشره هنا على مقاطع.

حسب الوعد ارفق هنا بعض الوثائق، نرجوا نسخها تصويرها وتعميمها

هذه الرساله مطلوب فقط وضع اسم المرسل اليه ومنصبه واسم المرسل وعنوانه ورقم التواصل تلفون او ايميل وبالامكان وضع اسم احد قياداة تاج اذا لم ترغبون بوضع اسم المرسل
The Executive Committee of the Southern Democratic Assembly (TAJ) on behalf of the people of South Yemen have the pleasure of extending their greetings to you all and to wish you every success in your deliberations.

We forward this memorandum with the request and hope that you will reflect on the harsh conditions that our people are experiencing and call upon you to consider their plight. Our brethren have been under the occupation of the regime of the Republic of Yemen (ROY) ever since their war of invasion in the summer of 1994 on South Yemen led by their Dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Since that date the military security forces and Jihadist militias of the Sanaa regime have ruled and controlled South Arabia with an iron fist and the rule of arms. They have suppressed the civil and political liberties of our people, confiscated their properties and have plundered our country’s natural resources.

Our people protested and demonstrated peacefully to demand their political and civil rights, but were met with brutal force resulting in the deaths and injuries of many of them plus the imprisonment of hundreds of activists and politicians of the South.

Honourable members, we appeal to you to urge your government which has good cordial relations with the Dictator of Yemen to use its good offices and raise the plight and the following demands of the people of South Yemen:-

• The release of all political prisoners, and in particular Mr Hassan Baoum, President of the Gathering for Reconciliation and Forgiveness in Hadhamout, Colonel Nasser Al-Nouba, President of the Retired Army Veterans and Civil Associations.
• To stop intimidating and/or use force against peaceful, democratic, demonstrations in the South which have been calling for civil and political liberties.
• That all those who carried out the brutal acts against our people resulting in their deaths and injury for demonstrating, must be brought to justice and punished for the crimes they carried out.
• We call upon the House of Commons to form its own Committee of members to investigate and to look at the grievances of our people in South Arabia. The Committee Members should investigate and look at the brutal and inhuman acts taking place. The plundering of the South’s natural resources and the confiscation of private properties owned by Southerners.
• Like all peace loving nations, our people look upon you to help and contribute towards correcting this great injustice, perpetrated by the regime of the Dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh of the Republic of Yemen.

We look forward to be given an audience with the appropriate body or committee formed and provide information and details of what we have stated.

Yours sincerely,

Executive Committee,
Southern Democratic Assembly.

هذا البيان مهم


Our country, the South of Yemen has been witnessing continuous civil struggle against the North Yemeni military/tribal occupation since the beginning of 2007. Throughout these civilised protests southerners have expressed their rejection to the politics of discrimination, impoverishment, and humiliation exercised upon them by the North Yemen military/tribal occupation led by Ali Abdullah Saleh. The Southerners blatant resentment to the wicked tactics used by the occupation authority to delete the Southerners identify and history is on the increase and will not stop till Self-determination is accomplished.

Our homeland has been under one of the most brutal and backward occupation since the summer war of 1994 when the Northern military/tribal forces win the war. Since then, the occupation regime has been exercising a barbaric and aggressive rule which has caused a lot of economic, social and psychological damage to our people and the country as a whole. The Yemeni occupation has deliberately enacted a policy for depriving southerners from their basic human rights i.e. two hundred thousand civil and army officers were ousted from their jobs not for any crime they have committed but because they are southerners. The Southerners’ public and private properties have been confiscated by North Yemen’s high ranking army officers and tribal chiefs.

The Northern Military/tribal Regime has produced many policies of discrimination in the fields of education and employment market which resulted in depriving thousands of southerners from their right to education and employment. It has become clearer than ever before those public institutions specifically ministries do not employee southerners anymore. Furthermore, the occupation regime has divided the South into different military and security zones and issued a policy ensuring that the entire South’s Local Authorities are under the direct governance of the Northern military and tribal chiefs related to the president of Yemen.

To put an end to the occupation and its unlawful practices that is harmful to the people of the South the freedom activists are exerting their utmost efforts to organise peaceful and civilised protests against the occupation through the implementation of series of sit-ins, marches and political preaches i.e. statements contains the people’s demands and aspiration for Self-determination, Peace and Justice. For example, the most focused and extensive protests took place on the 7th July, 24th July, 2nd August, 1st September, 10th September 14th October 2007 in the capital of the South, Aden and in the Southern cities of Lahj. AL-dhala, Abein, Almokala (Hadranmoot), Radfan and Yafa.

As usual, the Yemeni Occupation Authority had met those peaceful and civilised sit-ins and political activities with excessive use of force and in fact, the regime has used live bullets which killed and wounded a numbers of innocent civilians. Tens of people were also detained and were faced with brutal treatment such as torture and intimidation. Medication for detainees with terminal illnesses was not allowed to get to them. The regime’s officials did not stop at that but continued to issue a numbers of resolutions which are inconsistent with Human Rights Conventions and a clear violation of the Yemeni constitution. Moreover, the regime issued a cruel warning stating that any individual or group organising peaceful sit-ins will be charged with great treason and will face death sentence.

The Southern Democratic Assembly (TAJ) will continue to waging a peaceful and legitimate struggle for Self-determination for the people of South Yemen till it ends the occupation, injustice and achieves its freedom. TAJ appeals to the International Community, the permanent members of the Security Council and General Assembly of the United Nations to provide a rapid assistance to our people in the occupied South Yemen. TAJ would also urge these bodies to use their influence to pressurise the North Yemeni Regime and its ****** to release all political prisoners unconditionally and to empower Southerners to gain their independence from this backward occupation. TAJ requests a direct supervision by the United Nations to resolve this serious matter immediately.

We, in the Southern Democratic Assembly (TAJ) Executive Committee would like to draw the attention of the International Community to the dangerous and repressive procedures followed by the North Yemeni Military/tribal Occupation against the peaceful struggle for freedom that Southerners are following. The occupation authority is working day and night to destroy these types of peaceful and civilised protests by denying peoples’ Civil and Political Rights and trying to turn these protests into violence. These immoral tactics adopted by the occupation authority is a real threat to peace, security and stability in the whole region of the Aurabian Peninsula and might endanger the lives of people and the interests of various parties. We believe this politics would only encourage and strengthen extremists’ forces in the region.

The Southern Democratic Assembly (TAJ) believes that saving the country from sliding towards a serious crisis and imminent violence lies in direct and decisive response to the Occupation Authority unlawful practices. The repressive and discriminatory policies of this regime must be prevented from implementation and any perpetrator of crime must be held responsible. The occupation must end without any condition and by peaceful means such as civil disobedience in all the occupied Southern Regions.

TAJ also requests the Security Council to provide the necessary protection for the people of South Yemen including civil and political activists who possess the right to organise peaceful protests in order to bring freedom and democracy to their country and people. TAJ calls on the UN specially the Security Council to hold the Yemeni regime responsible for the unlawful killing arbitrary arrest, torture, intimidation and repression of peaceful protesters in the South. TAJ demands the United Nation Security Council to take the necessary resolutions to ensure the Yemeni Military/tribal Occupation halts its systematic lootings of the Southerners’ national wealth and to pressurise the regime to pay back all the money stolen from the Southern people. TAJ urges all the bodies within the UNSC to act quickly by directly intervening in supervising the Southerners wealth and by drawing a plan to secure food, public health service and basic education service for children, women and men in all the Southern regions.

Finally, the oppressed people of the South are looking forward to the International Community and specifically the Security Council for protection and practical steps to end their suffering caused by the occupation. Southerners demands the necessary support from the UN to regain their freedom and the right to choose the appropriate democratic system that they deserve.

Issued by :
The Southern Democratic Assembly
November 2007

لك كل التقدير ولكن لابد ان يعلم العالم اننا لسنا من اليمن نحن ابناء الجنوب العلربي دوله وكيان مستقل مند الازل زرجاء لاتنسبونا لما يسمى اليمن تحياتي وتقديري لك
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-16-2007, 06:42 PM
عضو متميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2007
المشاركات: 340

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